Ysgol Seicoleg a Gwyddor Chwaraeon

  1. Novel insights into heat acclimation by post-exercise hot water immersion

    Awdur: McIntyre, R., 25 Tach 2021

    Goruchwylydd: Walsh, N. (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  2. Special Measures, Burnout And Occupational Stress In National Health Service Staff: Experiences, Interpretations And Evidence-Based Interventions.

    Awdur: McNally, D., 30 Hyd 2019

    Goruchwylydd: Jackson, M. (Goruchwylydd) & Robinson, N. (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethuriaethau Proffesiynol

  3. Public Speaking Anxiety: Past, Present, and Future

    Awdur: McWilliam, A., 17 Mai 2024

    Goruchwylydd: Callow, N. (Goruchwylydd) & Beattie, S. (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  4. The Process of Scaling an Early Childhood Development Parenting Programme by Integrating into Primary Health Care Services in Bangladesh

    Awdur: Mehrin, S., 2023

    Goruchwylydd: Henningham, H. (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  5. Development of attention to social interactions in naturalistic scenes

    Awdur: Mihai, I., 13 Maw 2022

    Goruchwylydd: Koldewyn, K. (Goruchwylydd) & Ward, R. (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  6. Exploring the Role of Social Capital in Psychological Wellbeing and Physical Health

    Awdur: Miles, B., 2021

    Goruchwylydd: Saville, C. (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethuriaethau Proffesiynol

  7. An experimental analysis of the momentary DRO schedule

    Awdur: Miller, B. Y., Ion 1995

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  8. The effect of inter-stimulus competition on visual short-term memory capacity.

    Awdur: Miller, C., Ion 2016

    Goruchwylydd: Shapiro, K. (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  9. The acquisition of the Arabic gender and number systems

    Awdur: Moawad, R., Ion 2006

    Goruchwylydd: Gathercole, V. (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth