Bangor University

  1. The protection of wood against fungal decay by isocyanate chemical modification.

    Author: Cardias, M. D. F. C., Jun 1992

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  2. The impact of regulation on bank capital augmentations in Spain.

    Author: Carbo, S., Feb 1993

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  3. Does sensorimotor fluency influence affect?

    Author: Cannon, P. R., Feb 2008

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  4. Feeding, swimming and respiration in barnacle larvae (Cirripedia: Thoracica)

    Author: Candeias, A., Jan 2006

    Supervisor: Yule, A. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  5. Demography of animal modular colonies.

    Author: Cancino, J. M., Jun 1983

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  6. The Role of UFMylation in Fanconi Anaemia

    Author: Campbell-Broad, C., 22 Apr 2024

    Supervisor: Pierce, A. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  7. Effects of turbulence on suspended sediment concentrations in a tidal flow.

    Author: Campbell, A. R., Mar 1996

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  8. The relation between gestural imitation and naming in young children

    Author: Camoes-Costa, V., Sept 2011

    Supervisor: Erjavec, M. (Supervisor) & Horne, P. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  9. The Henwife & Outside In: An Introduction to the ‘New Domestic

    Author: Cameron, F., 1 Apr 2020

    Supervisor: Skoulding, Z. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  10. Trace elements and polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners in Liverpool Bay sediments.

    Author: Camacho-Ibar, V. F., Dec 1991

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  11. The cognitive and motivational effects of imagery on sport performance.

    Author: Callow, N., Apr 2000

    Supervisor: Hardy, L. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  12. Self and identity in people with early-stage dementia

    Author: Caddell, L. S., Aug 2011

    Supervisor: Clare, L. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  13. The Role of DNA Repair in Resisting Treatment with Gemcitabine and other Nucleoside Analogues

    Author: Böckemeier, L., 8 Jun 2020

    Supervisor: Hartsuiker, E. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  14. The link between infant speech perception and phonological short-term memory

    Author: Bywater, T., Jun 2004

    Supervisor: Vihman, M. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  15. The role of Psychological Processes in acquired brain injury sequelae

    Author: Byrne, C., Jan 2016

    Supervisor: Coetzer, B. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Professional Doctorates

  16. Muscle function after exercise-induced muscle damage

    Author: Byrne, C., May 2001

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  17. Modelling and forecasting pharmaceutical life cycles

    Author: Buxton, S. L., Sept 2013

    Supervisor: Nikolopoulos, K. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  18. Deep soil: investigating carbon sequestration potential and greenhouse gas behaviour in agricultural subsoil

    Author: Button, E., 14 Dec 2022

    Supervisor: Jones, D. (Supervisor) & Chadwick, D. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  19. Visual fame effects: the processing benefits of highly learnt images

    Author: Buttle, H., Apr 2002

    Supervisor: Raymond, J. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  20. Mineral Dynamics in Sea Ice Brines

    Author: Butler, B., Jan 2016

    Supervisor: Kennedy, H. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  21. Top-down and exogenous effects on covert and overt orienting

    Author: Butler, J., 7 Apr 2016

    Supervisor: d'Avossa, G. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  22. Resurgence and Insurgence: British Women Travel Writers and the Italian Risorgimento, 1844-1858

    Author: Butler, R., Jan 2016

    Supervisor: Colclough, S. (Supervisor) & Hiscock, A. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  23. Establishing the Arctica islandica archive: Development of the definitive shell-based proxy for the North Atlantic shelf seas

    Author: Butler, P. G., May 2009

    Supervisor: Richardson, C. (Supervisor) & Scourse, J. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  24. Automatic imitation:antecedents and individual differences

    Author: Butler, E. E. & Butler, E., 10 Dec 2015

    Supervisor: Ramsey, R. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy