School of Environmental & Natural Sciences

  1. Article › Research › Peer-reviewed
  2. Published

    Distribution and diversity of members of the bacterial phylum Fibrobacteres in environments where cellulose degradation occurs

    Ransom-Jones, E., Jones, D. L., Edwards, A. & McDonald, J. E., 17 Jul 2014, In: Systematic and Applied Microbiology. 37, 7, p. 502-509

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  3. Published

    Distribution and host range of the microsporidian Pleistophora mulleri.

    Ironside, J. E., Wilkinson, T. J. & Rock, J., 1 Jul 2008, In: Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 55, 4, p. 355-362

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  4. Published

    Distribution of actin gene isoforms in the Arabidopsis leaf measured in microsamples from intact individual cells.

    Tomos, A. D., Laval, V., Koroleva, O. A., Murphy, E., Lu, C., Milner, J. J., Hooks, M. A. & Tomos, D. A., 1 Jun 2002, In: Planta. 215, 2, p. 287-292

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  5. Published

    Distribution of the burden of fisheries regulations in Europe: The north/south divide.

    Hadjimichael, M., Edwards-Jones, G. & Kaiser, M. J., 1 Jul 2010, In: Marine Policy. 34, 4, p. 795-802

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  6. Published

    Distribution of the endangered Hermann's tortoise Testudo hermanni hermanni in Var, France, and recommendations for its conservation.

    Livoreil, B. A. & Livoreil, B., 1 Apr 2009, In: Oryx. 43, 2, p. 299-305

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  7. Published

    Disturbance and climatic effects on red spruce community dynamics at its southern continuous range margin

    Ribbons, R. R., 6 Mar 2014, In: PeerJ. 2, p. e293

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  8. Published

    Diurnal changes in pathogenic and indicator virus concentrations in wastewater

    Farkas, K., Pântea, I., Woodhall, N., Williams, D., Lambert-Slosarska, K., Williams, R. C., Grimsley, J. M. S., Singer, A. C. & Jones, D. L., Dec 2023, In: Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 30, 59, p. 123785-123795 11 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  9. Published

    Divergent national-scale trends of microbial and animal biodiversity revealed across diverse temperate soil ecosystems

    George, P., Lallias, D., Creer, S., Seaton, F., Kenny, J. G., Eccles, R. M., Griffiths, R., Lebron, I., Emmett, B., Robinson, D. & Jones, D. L., 7 Mar 2019, In: Nature Communications. 10, 1, p. 1107 1107.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  10. Published

    Divergent responses of wetland methane emissions to elevated atmospheric CO2 dependent on water table

    Lin, Y., Yuan, J., Liu, D., Kang, H., Freeman, C., Hu, H-W., Ye, G. & Ding, W., 15 Oct 2021, In: Water Research. 205, 117682.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  11. Published

    Divergent selection during speciation of Lake Malawi cichlid fishes inferred from parallel radiations in nuptial coloration.

    Allender, C. J., Seehausen, O., Knight, M. E., Turner, G. F. & Maclean, N., 25 Nov 2003, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 100, 24, p. 14074-14079

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  12. Published

    Diverse anthropogenic disturbances shift Amazon forests along a structural spectrum

    Smith, M., Stark, S. C., Taylor, T. C., Schietti, J., Almeida, D. R. A., Aragon, S., Torralvo, K., Lima, A., de Oliveira, G., de Assis, R. L., Leitold, V., Pontes-Lopes, A., Scoles, R., de Sousa Vieira, L. C., Resende, A. F., Coppola, A. I., Brandao, D. O., Junior, J. D. A. S., Lobato, L. F., Freitas, W., Almeida, D., Souza, M. S., Minor, D. M., Villegas, J. C., Law, D. J., Goncalves, N., da Rocha, D. G., Guedes, M. C., Tonini, H., da Silva, K. E., van Haren, J., Rosa, D. M., do Valle, D. F., Cordeiro, C. L., de Lima, N. Z., Shao, G., Menor, I. O., Conti, G., Florentino, A. P., Montti, L., Aragao, L. E. O. C., McMahon, S. MM., Parker, G. G., Breshears, D. D., Da Costa, A. C. L., Magnusson, W. E., Mesquita, R., Camargo, J. L. C., de Oliveira, R. C., de Camargo, P. B., Saleska, S. R. & Nelson, B. W., 1 Feb 2023, In: Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 21, 1, p. 24-32 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  13. Published

    Diverse contributions benefit people and nature

    Watson, J. E. M. & Jones, J. P. G., Aug 2019, In: Nature Ecology and Evolution. 3, 8, p. 1140-1141

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  14. Published

    Diversification not specialization reduces global and local environmental burdens from livestock production

    Soteriades, A. D., Foskolos, A., Styles, D. & Gibbons, J. M., Nov 2019, In: Environment International. 132, November, 104837.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  15. Published

    Diversity and Paleodemography of the Addax (Addax nasomaculatus), a Saharan Antelope on the Verge of Extinction

    Hempel, E., Westbury, M. V., Grau, J. H., Trinks, A., Paijmans, J., Kliver, S., Barlow, A., Mayer, F., Muller, J., Chen, L., Koepfli, K-P., Hofreiter, M. & Bibi, F., 11 Aug 2021, In: Genes. 12, 8

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  16. Published

    Diversity and carbon storage across the tropical forest biome

    Sullivan, M. J. P., Talbot, J., Lewis, S. L., Phillips, O. L., Qie, L., Begne, S. K., Chave, J., Cuni Sanche, A., Hubau, W., Lopez-Gonzalez, G., Miles, L., Monteagudo-Mendoza, A., Sonké, B., Sunderland, T., ter Steege, H., White, L. J. T., Affum-Baffoe, K., Aiba, S., Almeida, E. C., Almeida de Oliveira, E., Alvarez-Loayza, P., Álvarez Dávila, E., Andrade, A., Aragão, L. E. O. C., Ashton, P., Aymard, G. A., Baker, T. R., Balinga, M., Banin, L. F., Baraloto, C., Bastin, J-F., Berry, N., Bogaert, J., Bonal, D., Bongers, F., Brienen, R., Camargo, J. L. C., Cerón, C., Chama Moscoso, V., Chezeaux, E., Clark, C. J., Cogollo Pacheco, A., Comiskey, J. A., Cornejo Valverde, F., Honorio Coronado, E., Dargie, G., Davies, S. J., De Canniere, C., Djuikouo K., M. N., Doucet, J-L., Erwin, T. L., Espejo, J. S., Ewango, C. E. N., Fauset, S., Feldpausch, T. R., Herrera, R., Gilpin, M., Gloor, E., Hall, J., Harris, D. J., Hart, T. B., Kartawinata, K., Khoon Kho, L., Kitayama, K., Laurance, S. G. W., Laurance, W. F., Leal, M. E., Lovejoy, T., Lovett, J., Lukasu, F. M., Makana, J. R., Malhi, Y., Maracahipes, L., Marimon, B. S., Marimon, B. H., Marshall, A. R., Morandi, P. S., Mukendi, J. T., Mukinzi, J., Nilus, R., Núñez Vargas, P., Pallqui Camacho, N. C., Pardo, G., Peña-Claros, M., Pétronelli, P., Pickavance, G. C., Poulsen, A. D., Poulsen, J. R., Primack, R. B., Priyadi, H., Quesada, C. A., Reitsma, J., Réjou-Méchain, M., Restrepo, Z., Rutishauser, E., Salim, K. A., Salomão, R. P., Samsoedin, I., Sheil, D., Sierra, R., Silveira, M., Slik, J. W. F., Steel, L., Taedoumg, H., Tan, S., Terborgh, J. W., Thomas, S. C., Toledo, M., Umunay, P., Valenzuela Gamarra, L., Vieira, I. C. G., Vos, V. A., Wang, O., Willcock, S. & Zemagho, L., Jan 2017, In: Scientific Reports. 7, 39102.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  17. Published

    Diversity and community composition of pico- and nanoplanktonic protists in the Vistula River estuary (Gulf of Gdańsk, Baltic Sea)

    Piwosz, K., Calkiewicz, J., Golebiewski, M. & Creer, S., 31 Jul 2018, In: Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 207, p. 242-249

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  18. Published

    Diversity enhances carbon storage in tropical forests

    Poorter, L., van der Sande, M. T., Thompson, J., Arets, E. J., Alarcón, A., Álvarez-Sánchez, J., Ascarrunz, N., Balvanera, P., Barajas-Guzmán, G., Boit, A., Bongers, F., Carvalho, F. A., Casanoves, F., Cornejo-Tenorio, G., Costa, F. R., de Castilho, C. V., Duivenvoorden, J. F., Dutrieux, L. P., Enquist, B. J., Fernández-Méndez, F., Finegan, B., Gormley, L., Healey, J. R., Hoosbeek, M. R., Ibarra-Manríquez, G., Junqueira, A. B., Levis, C., Licona, J. C., Lisboa, L. S., Magnusson, W. E., Martínez-Ramos, M., Martínez-Yrizar, A., Martorano, L. G., Maskell, L. C., Mazzei, L., Meave, J. A., Mora, F., Muñoz, R., Nytch, C., Pansonato, M. P., Parr, T. W., Paz, H., Pérez-García, E. A., Rentería, L. Y., Rodríguez-Velazquez, J., Rozendaal, D. M., Ruschel, A. R., Sakschewski, B., Salgado-Negret, B., Schietti, J., Simões, M., Sinclair, F. L., Souza, P. F., Souza, F. C., Stropp, J., ter Steege, H., Swenson, N. G., Thonicke, K., Toledo, M., Uriarte, M., van der Hout, P., Walker, P., Zamora, N. & and Peña-Claros, M., 8 Sept 2015, In: Global Ecology and Biogeography. 24, 11, p. 1314-1328

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  19. Published

    Diversity of “Ca. Micrarchaeota” in two distinct types of acidic environments and their associations with Thermoplasmatales

    Golyshina, O., Bargiela, R., Toshchakov, S. V., Chernyh, N. A., Ramayah, S., Korzhenkov, A. A., Kublanov, I. V. & Golyshin, P., 15 Jun 2019, In: Genes. 10, 6, 461.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  20. Published

    Diversity of acidophilic prokaryotes at two acid mine drainage sites in Turkey

    Aytar, P., Kay, C. M., Mutlu, M. B., Cabuk, A. & Johnson, D. B., Apr 2015, In: Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 22, 8, p. 5995-6003

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  21. Published

    Diversity of facultatively anaerobic microscopic mycelial fungi in soils.

    Golyshin, P., Kurakov, A. V., Lavrent'ev, R. B., Nechitailo, T. Y., Golyshin, P. N. & Zvyagintsev, D. G., 1 Jan 2008, In: Microbiology. 77, 1, p. 90-98

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  22. Published

    Diversity of glycosyl hydrolases from cellulose-depleting communities enriched from casts of two earthworm species.

    Beloqui, A., Nechitaylo, T. Y., Lopez-Cortes, N., Ghazi, A., Guazzaroni, M. E., Polaina, J., Strittmatter, A. W., Reva, O., Waliczek, A., Yakimov, M. M., Golyshina, O. V., Ferrer, M. & Golyshin, P. N., 1 Sept 2010, In: Applied and Environmental Microbiology. 76, 17, p. 5934-5946

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  23. Published

    Diversity of hydrolases from hydrothermal vent sediments of the Levante Bay, Vulcano Island (Aeolian archipelago) identified by activity-based metagenomics and biochemical characterization of new esterases and an arabinopyranosidase

    Placido, A., Hai, T., Ferrer, M., Chernikova, T. N., Distaso, M. A., Armstrong, D., Yakunin, A. F., Toshchakov, S. V., Yakimov, M. M., Kublanov, I. V., Golyshina, O., Pesole, G., Ceci, L. R. & Golyshin, P., 1 Dec 2015, In: Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 99, 23, p. 10031-10046

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  24. Published

    Diversity patterns of ground beetles and understory vegetation in mature, secondary, and plantation forest regions of temperate northern China

    Zou, Y., Sang, W., Wang, S., Warren-Thomas, E., Liu, Y., Yu, Z., Wang, C. & Axmacher, J. C., 1 Feb 2015, In: Ecology and Evolution. 5, 3, p. 531-542

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  25. Published

    Do Added Microplastics, Native Soil Properties, and Prevailing Climatic Conditions Have Consequences for Carbon and Nitrogen Contents in Soil? A Global Data Synthesis of Pot and Greenhouse Studies

    Iqbal, S., Xu, J., Arif, M. S., Worthy, F. R., Jones, D. L., Khan, S., Alharbi, S. A., Filimonenko, E., Nadir, S., Bu, D., Shakoor, A., Gui, H., Schaefer, D. A. & Kuzyakov, Y., 14 May 2024, In: Environmental science & technology. 58, 19, p. 8464-8479 16 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  26. Published

    Do Bar-Headed Geese Train for High Altitude Flights?

    Hawkes, L. A., Batbayar, N., Butler, P. J., Chua, B., Frappell, P. B., Meir, J. U., Milsom, W. K., Natsagdorj, T., Parr, N., Scott, G. R., Takekawa, J. Y., WikeIski, M., Witt, M. J. & Bishop, C. M., 4 Jul 2017, In: Integrative and Comparative Biology. 57, 2, p. 240-251

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  27. Published

    Do Effective Micro-Organisms Affect Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Slurry Crusts?

    Bastami, M. S. B., Chadwick, D. & Jones, D., 1 Mar 2016, In: Journal of Advanced Agricultural Technologies. 3, 1

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  28. Published

    Do alkyl tunnelling barriers contribute to molecular rectification?

    Ashwell, G. J. & Stokes, R. J., 1 Jan 2004, In: Journal of Materials Chemistry. 14, 8, p. 1228-1230

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  29. Published

    Do aposematism and Batesian mimicry require bright colours? A test, using European viper markings.

    Wuster, W., Wüster, W., Allum, C. S., Bjargardottir, I. B., Bailey, K. L., Dawson, K. J., Guenioui, J., Lewis, J., McGurk, J., Moore, A. G., Niskanen, M. & Pollard, C. P., 7 Dec 2004, In: Proceedings of The Royal Society B - Biological Sciences. 271, 1556, p. 2495-2499

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  30. Published

    Do benefits accrue to 'pest control' or 'pesticides?': A comment on Cooper and Dobson.

    Edwards-Jones, G., 1 Jun 2008, In: Crop Protection. 27, 6, p. 965-967

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  31. Published

    Do conservation managers use scientific evidence to support their decision-making?

    Pullin, A. S., Knight, T. M., Stone, D. A. & Charman, K., 1 Sept 2004, In: Biological Conservation. 119, 2, p. 245-252

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  32. Published

    Do differing levels of boldness influence the success of translocation? A pilot study on red squirrels (Sciurus vulgaris)

    Bamber, J. A., Shuttleworth, C. & Hayward, M., 26 Sept 2020, In: Animals. 10, 1748.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  33. Published

    Do mothers bias offspring sex ratios in carotenoid-rich environments?

    MacLeod, K. J., Brekke, P., Tong, W., Ewen, J. G. & Thorogood, R., 1 Jan 2017, In: Behavioral Ecology. 28, 1, p. 131-137

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  34. Published

    Do plants use root-derived proteases to promote the uptake of soil organic nitrogen?

    Greenfield, L. M., Hill, P. W., Paterson, E., Baggs, E. M. & Jones, D. L., Nov 2020, In: Plant and Soil. 456, 1-2, p. 355-367

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  35. Published

    Do prey shape, time of day, and plant trichomes affect the predation rate on plasticine prey in tropical rainforests?

    Weissflog, A., Markesteijn, L., Aiello, A., Healey, J. & Geipel, I., 22 Sept 2022, In: Biotropica. 54, 5, p. 1259-1269

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  36. Published

    Do septic tank systems pose a hidden threat to water quality?

    Withers, P. J., Jordan, P., May, L., Jarvie, H. P. & Deal, N. E., 1 Mar 2014, In: Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 12, 1, p. 123-130

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  37. Published

    Do taxonomic divisions reflect genetic differentiation? A comparison of morphological and genetic data in Coenonympha tullia (Muller), Satyrinae.

    Joyce, D. A., Dennis, R. L., Bryant, S. R., Shreeve, T. G., Ready, J. S. & Pullin, A. S., 1 Jun 2009, In: Biological Journal of the Linnean Society. 97, 2, p. 314-327

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  38. Published

    Does Circular Reuse of Chickpea Cooking Water to Produce Vegan Mayonnaise Reduce Environmental Impact Compared with Egg Mayonnaise?

    Saget, S., Costa, M., Styles, D. & Williams, M., 23 Apr 2021, In: Sustainability. 13, 9, e4726.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  39. Published

    Does Tanzanian participatory forest management policy achieve its governance objectives?

    Magessa, K., Wynne-Jones, S. & Hockley, N., Feb 2020, In: Forest Policy and Economics. 111, February 2020, 102077.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  40. Published

    Does The Glucocorticoid Stress Response Make Toads More Toxic? An Experimental Study on The Regulation of Bufadienolide Toxin Synthesis

    Üveges, B., Kalina, C., Szabó, K., Móricz, Á. M., Holly, D., Gabor, C. R., Hettyey, A. & Bókony, V., 2023, In: Integrative Organismal Biology. 5, 1, p. obad021 obad021.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  41. Published

    Does biochar application alter heavy metal dynamics in agricultural soil?

    Lucchini, P., Qulliam, R. S., DeLuca, T. H., Vamerali, T. & Jones, D. L., 1 Feb 2014, In: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 184, p. 149-157

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  42. Published

    Does chemical composition of individual Scots pine trees determine the biodiversity of their associated ground vegetation?

    Iason, G. R., Lennon, J. J., Pakeman, R. J., Thoss, V., Beaton, J. K., Sim, D. A. & Elston, D. A., 1 Apr 2005, In: Ecology Letters. 8, 4, p. 364-369

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  43. Published

    Does community forest management provide global environmental benefits and improve local welfare? Does community forest management provide global environmental benefits and improve local welfare?

    Bowler, D., Buyung-Ali, L., Healey, J. R., Jones, J. P. G., Pullin, A. S. & Knight, T. M., 26 Sept 2011, In: Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. 10, 1, p. 29-36

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  44. Published

    Does density influence relative growth performance of farmed, wild, and F1 hybrid Atlantic salmon in semi-natural and hatchery common garden conditions?

    Harvey, A., Carvalho, G., Taylor, M., Solberg, M. F., Creer, S., Dyrhovden, L., Matre, I. H. & Glover, K. A., 6 Jul 2016, In: Royal Society Open Science. 3, 7, 160152.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  45. Published

    Does down-regulation of photosynthetic capacity by elevated CO2 depend on N supply in Dactylis glomerata?

    Harmens, H., Stirling, C. M., Marshall, C. & Farrar, J. F., 1 Jan 2000, In: Physiologia Plantarum. 108, 1, p. 43-50

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  46. Published

    Does farm worker health vary between localised and globalised food supply systems?

    Cross, P., Edwards, R. T., Opondo, M., Nyeko, P. & Edwards-Jones, G., 1 Oct 2009, In: Environment International. 35, 7, p. 1004-1014

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  47. Published

    Does shadow pricing go on for ever? An old model revisited.

    Price, C., 1 Jan 2001, In: Scandinavian Forest Economics. 37, p. 55-65

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  48. Published

    Does size matter for horny beetles? A geometric morphometric analysis of interspecific and intersexual size and shape variation in Colophon haughtoni Barnard, 1929, and C. kawaii Mizukami, 1997 (Coleoptera: Lucanidae).

    Eldred, T., Meloro, C., Scholtz, C., Murphy, D., Fincken, K. & Hayward, M., Dec 2016, In: Organisms Diversity and Evolution. 16, 4, p. 821-833

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  49. Published

    Does soil acidity reduce subsoil rooting in Norway spruce (Picea abies)?

    Jentschke, G. W., Jentschke, G., Drexhage, M., Fritz, H. W., Fritz, E., Schella, B., Lee, D. H., Gruber, F., Heimann, J., Kuhr, M., Schmidt, J., Schmidt, S., Zimmermann, R. & Godbold, D. L., 1 Nov 2001, In: Plant and Soil. 237, 1, p. 91-108

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  50. Published

    Does temperature acclimation affect muscle function in marine crustaceans via changes in molecular diversity?

    Rock, J., Faulkner, L. & Whiteley, N. M., 1 Dec 2003, In: Integrative and Comparative Biology. 43, 6, p. 957

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  51. Published

    Does the non-symmetrical depreciation of natural and human-made capital invalidate the assumption of substitutabilty in ‘weak’ sustainabilty analysis?

    McIntosh, A. & Edwards-Jones, G., 1 Oct 2000, In: Geophilos. 1, p. 122-133

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  52. Published

    Doing more good than harm – Building an Evidence-base for conservation and environment management.

    Pullin, A. S. & Knight, T., 1 Jan 2009, In: Biological Conservation. 142, p. 931-934

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  53. Published

    Doing more good than harm: building an evidence-base for conservation and environmental management.

    Pullin, A. S. & Knight, T. M., 1 May 2009, In: Biological Conservation. 142, 5, p. 931-934

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  54. Published

    Domain loss facilitates accelerated evolution and neofunctionalization of duplicate snake venom metalloproteinase toxin genes.

    Wuster, W., Casewell, N. R., Wagstaff, S. C., Harrison, R. A., Renjifo, C. & Wüster, W., 1 Sept 2011, In: Molecular Biology and Evolution. 28, 9, p. 2637-2649

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  55. Published

    Domestication-induced reduction in eye size revealed in multiple common garden experiments: The case of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)

    Perry, W. B., Kaufmann, J., Solberg, M. F., Brodie, C., Medina, A. M. C., Pillay, K., Egerton, A., Harvey, A., Phillips, K. P., Coughlan, J., Egan, F., Grealis, R., Hutton, S., Leseur, F., Ryan, S., Poole, R., Rogan, G., Ryder, E., Schaal, P., Waters, C., Wynne, R., Taylor, M., Prodohl, P., Creer, S., Llewellyn, M., McGinnity, P., Carvalho, G. & Glover, K. A., 28 Sept 2021, In: Evolutionary Applications. 14, 9, p. 2319-2332 14 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  56. Published

    Downscaling Global Land-Use Scenario Data to the National Level: A Case Study for Belgium

    Rashidi, P., Patil, S., Schipper, A. M., Alkemade, R. & Rosa, I., 7 Sept 2023, In: Land.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  57. Published

    Draft Genome Sequence of Clostridium sp. strain W14A isolated from a cellulose-degrading biofilm in a landfill leachate microcosm

    Ransom-Jones, E. & McDonald, J., 22 Sept 2016, In: Genome Announcements. 4, 5, e0098516.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  58. Published

    Draft Genome Sequence of a Novel Acidophilic Iron-Oxidizing Firmicutes Species, “Acidibacillus ferrooxidans” (SLC66T)

    Nancucheo, I., Oliveira, R., Dall’Agnol, H., Johnson, D. B., Holanda, R., Lopes Nunes, G., Cuadros-Orellana, S. & Oliveira, G., May 2016, In: Genome Announcements. 4, 3, e00383-16.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  59. Published

    Draft Genome Sequence of the Extremely Acidophilic Bacterium Acidithiobacillus caldus ATCC 51756 Reveals Metabolic Versatility in the Genus Acidithiobacillus.

    Valdes, J., Quatrini, R., Hallberg, K. B., Dopson, M., Valenzuela, P. D. & Holmes, D. S., 1 Sept 2009, In: Journal of Bacteriology. 191, 18, p. 5877-5878

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  60. Published

    Draft Genome Sequence of the Nominated Type Strain of “Ferrovum myxofaciens,” an Acidophilic, Iron-Oxidizing Betaproteobacterium

    Moya-Beltran, A., Cardenas, J. P., Covarrubias, P. C., Issotta, F., Ossandon, F. J., Grail, B. M., Holmes, D. S., Quatrini, R. & Johnson, D. B., 21 Aug 2014, In: Genome Announcements. 2, 4

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  61. Published

    Draft Genome Sequence of “Acidibacillus ferrooxidans” ITV01, a Novel Acidophilic Firmicute Isolated from a Chalcopyrite Mine Drainage Site in Brazil

    Dall’Agnol, H., Nancucheo, I., Johnson, D. B., Oliveira, R., Leite, L., Pylro, V. S., Holanda, R., Grail, B., Carvalho, N., Lopes Nunes, G., Tzotzos, G., Rocha Fernandes, G., Dutra, J., Cuadros-Orellana, S. & Oliveira, G., Mar 2016, In: Genome Announcements. 4, 2, e01748-15.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  62. Published

    Draft genome sequence of the type strain of the sulfur-oxidizing acidophile, Acidithiobacillus albertensis (DSM 14366)

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    Drift versus selection as drivers of phenotypic divergence at small spatial scales: The case of Belgjarskógur threespine stickleback

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    Drivers and projections of vegetation loss in the Pantanal and surrounding ecosystems

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    Drivers of predator killing by rural residents and recommendations for fostering coexistence in agricultural landscapes

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    Drivers of the Distribution of Fisher Effort at Lake Alaotra, Madagascar

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    Drosophila Embryos as Model to Assess Cellular and Developmental Toxicity of Multi-Walled Carbon Nanotubes (MWCNT) in Living Organisms

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    Drosophila simulans' response to laboratory selection for tolerance to a toxic food source used by its sister species D-sechellia.

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    Drought avoidance and the effect of topography on trees in the understorey in Bornean lowland rain forest.

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    Drought-related mortality modifies mixing effects on light absorption and growth in mono-specific and mixed stands of Fagus sylvatica, Alnus glutinosa and Betula pendula.

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    Dve formy vnekletochnoĭ nizkomolekuliarnoĭ ribonukleazy Bacillus sp. BCF 247. Vydelenie i kharakteristika belka

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    Dynamic evolution of venom proteins in squamate reptiles

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    Dynamic mechanical analysis of Scots pine and three tropical hardwoods

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    Dynamics of dissolved organic matter in headwaters: comparison of headwater streams with contrasting DOM and nutrient composition

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    Dynamics of sex-biased gene expression during development in the stick insect Timema californicum

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    E. coli Is a Poor End-Product Criterion for Assessing the General Microbial Risk Posed From Consuming Norovirus Contaminated Shellfish

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    EPR and XANES studies of anaerobic photolysis of iso-propilpyridinecobaloxime: Elucidation of the reactivity of the Co(II) primary product

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    Earlier collapse of Anthropocene ecosystems driven by multiple faster and noisier drivers

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    Early Holocene glacial retreat isolated populations of river otters (Lontra canadensis) along the Alaskan coast

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    Early indications of success rehabilitating an underperforming teak ( Tectona grandis ) plantation in Panama through enrichment planting

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    Early plastic responses in the shell morphology of Acanthina monodon (Mollusca, Gastropoda) under predation risk and water turbulence

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    Ecdysis of decapod crustaceans is associated with a dramatic release of crustacean cardioactive peptide into the haemolymph.

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    Echinococcus multilocularis metacestode extract triggers human basophils to release interleukin-4.

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    Eco-Virological Approach for Assessing the Role of Wild Birds in the Spread of Avian Influenza H5N1 along the Central Asian Flyway

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    Eco-hydrological requirements of dune slack vegetation and the implications of climate change

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    Ecological Speciation Promoted by Divergent Regulation of Functional Genes Within African Cichlid Fishes

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    Ecological diversification in a group of Indomalayan pitvipers (Trimeresurus): convergence in taxonomically important traits has implications for species identification.

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    Ecological intensification measures to improve productivity and decrease nitrogen surplus in wheat-maize/watermelon intercropping system

    Chen, Y., Yang, X., Zhang, Y., Xu, Z., Cross, P. & Zhang, C., 17 Feb 2023, In: International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology. 30, 2, p. 140-151 12 p.

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    Ecological speciation in sympatric palms: 3. Genetic map reveals genomic islands underlying species divergence in Howea

    Papadopulos, A. S. T., Igea, J., Dunning, L. T., Osborne, O., Quan, X., Pellicer, J., Turnbull, C., Hutton, I., Baker, W. J., Butlin, R. K. & Savolainen, V., Sept 2019, In: Evolution. 73, 9, p. 1986-1995 10 p.

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    Ecosystem service and dis-service impacts of increasing tree cover on agricultural land by land-sparing and land-sharing in the Welsh uplands

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    Ecosystem service responses to rewilding - first-order estimates from 27 years of rewilding in the Scottish Highlands

    zu Ermgassen, S. O. S. E., McKenna, T., Gordon, J. & Willcock, S., 2018, In: International Journal of Biodiversity Science, Ecosystem Services & Management. 14, 1, p. 165-178

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    Ecosystems monitoring powered by environmental genomics: a review of current strategies with an implementation roadmap

    Cordier, T., Alonso-Saez, L., Apothéloz-Perret-Gentil, Aylagas, E., Bohan, D. A., Bouchez, A., Chariton, A. A., Creer, S., Fruhe, L., Keck, F., Keeley, N., Laroche, O., Leese, F., Pochon, X., Stoeck, T., Pawlowski, J. & Lanzen, A., Jul 2021, In: Molecular Ecology. 30, 13, p. 2937-2958 22 p.

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    Ectomycorrhizal community structure in a healthy and a Phytophthora-infected chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) stand in central Italy.

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    Johnson, D. B. & Schippers, A., 14 Mar 2017, In: Frontiers in Microbiology. 8, p. 428

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    Lang, F., Kruger, J., Kaiser, K., Bol, R. & Loeppmann, S., 30 Aug 2021, In: Frontiers in Forests and Global Change. 4

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    Effect of compound fertilizer and soil mounding on natural stand bamboos of Gigantochloa scortechinii in Peninsular Malaysia

    Azmy, H. M. & Hall, J. B., 1 Jan 2002, In: Journal of Tropical Forest Science. 14, p. 401-411

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    Effect of elevated systemic concentrations of ammonia and urea on the metabolite and ionic composition of oviductal fluid in cattle.

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    Effect of fertilizer type on antibiotic resistance genes by reshaping the bacterial community and soil properties

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    Effect of genotype, environment and agronomic management on β-glucan concentration of naked barley grain intended for health food use.

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    Effect of hypoxia on the prey-handling behaviour of Carcinus maenas feeding on Mytilus edulis.

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    Effect of increased atmospheric CO2 on the performance of an aquatic detritivore through changes in water temperature and litter quality.

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    Effect of maedi-visna virus infection on milk production of dairy sheep in Greece

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    Effect of microplastics on organic matter decomposition in paddy soil amended with crop residues and labile C: A three-source-partitioning study

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    Effect of moisture content and preparation technique on the composition of soil solution obtained by centrifugation

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    Effect of prey mass and selection on predator carrying capacity estimates

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    Effect of redox potential on chalcopyrite dissolution imposed by addition of ferrous ions

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    Effect of soil properties on tree distribution across an agricultural landscape on a tropical mountain, Tanzania

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    Effect of temperature on bioleaching of copper concentrates containing high concentrations of silver: opposite rules apply

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    Effect of the earthworms lumbricus terrestris and Aporrectodea caliginosa on bacterial diversity in soil.

    Nechitaylo, T. Y., Yakimov, M. M., Godinho, M., Timmis, K. N., Belogolova, E., Byzov, B. A., Kurakov, A. V., Jones, D. L. & Golyshin, P. N., 1 Apr 2010, In: Microbial Ecology. 59, 3, p. 574-587

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    Effect of variety, seed rate and time of cutting on fibre yield of dew-retted hemp.

    Bennett, S. J., Snell, R. & Wright, D., 1 Jul 2006, In: Industrial Crops and Products. 24, 1, p. 79-86

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    Effect of varying maize densities on intercropped maize and soybean in Nepal

    Prasad, R. B. & Brook, R. M., 1 Jul 2005, In: Experimental Agriculture. 41, 3, p. 365-382

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

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    Effect thresholds for the earthworm Eisenia fetida: Toxicity comparison between conventional and biodegradable microplastics

    Ding, W., Li, Z., Qi, R., Jones, D., Liu, Q., Liu, Q. & Yan, C., 10 Aug 2021, In: Science of the Total Environment. 781, 10 p., 146884.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  144. Published

    Effective and selective mild catalytic hydrodehalogenation of halocyclopropanes: Preparative capabilities and mechanistic aspects

    Nizovtsev, A. V., Al-Dulayymi, J., Baird, M. S., Bolesov, I. G. & Tverezovsky, V. V., 1 Mar 2003, In: Kinetics and Catalysis. 44, 2, p. 151-164

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  145. Published

    Effective bioremediation strategy for rapid in situ cleanup of anoxic marine sediments in mesocosm oil spill simulation

    Golyshin, P., Genovese, M., Crisafi, F., Denaro, R., Cappello, S., Russo, D., Calogero, R., Santisi, S., Catalfamo, M., Modica, A., Smedile, F., Genovese, L., Golyshin, P. N., Giuliano, L. & Yakimov, M. M., 14 Apr 2014, In: Frontiers in Microbiology.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  146. Published

    Effective spectral densities for system-environment dynamics at conical intersections: S2-S1 conical intersection in pyrazine.

    Martinazzo, R., Hughes, K. H., Martelli, F. & Burghardt, I., 25 Nov 2010, In: Chemical Physics. 377, 1-3, p. 21-29

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  147. Published

    Effective-mode representation of non-Markovian dynamics: A hierarchical approximation of the spectral density. I. Application to single surface dynamics.

    Hughes, K. H., Christ, C. D. & Burghardt, I., 14 Jul 2009, In: Journal of Chemical Physics. 131, 2, p. 024109

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  148. Published

    Effective-mode representation of non-Markovian dynamics: A hierarchical approximation of the spectral density. II. Application to environment-induced nonadiabatic dynamics.

    Hughes, K. H., Christ, C. D. & Burghardt, I., 28 Sept 2009, In: Journal of Chemical Physics. 131, 12, p. 124108

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  149. Published

    Effectiveness in conservation practice: pointers from medicine and public health.

    Pullin, A. S. & Knight, T. M., 1 Feb 2001, In: Conservation Biology. 15, 1, p. 50-54

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  150. Published

    Effectiveness of Community Forest Management at reducing deforestation in Madagascar

    Rasolofoson, R. A., Ferraro, P. J., Jenkins, C. N. & Jones, J. P. G., 21 Feb 2015, In: Biological Conservation. 184, p. 251-277

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  151. Published

    Effectiveness of a wool based packaging system on the abundance of surface spoilage microorganisms on meat products

    Curling, S., Jones, D., Ormondroyd, G. & Williams, A., 2017, In: Arab Gulf Journal of Scientific Research. 34, 2/3

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  152. Published

    Effectiveness of a wool based packaging system on the abundance of surface spoilage microorganisms on meat products

    Lahmer, R. A., Morris, A., Curling, S., Ormondroyd, G., Jones, D. & Williams, A., May 2016, In: Assiut Journal of Agricultural Sciences (AJAS). 47, 2, p. 24-28

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  153. Published

    Effectiveness of cooking to reduce Norovirus and infectious F-specific RNA bacteriophage concentrations in Mytilus edulis

    Flannery, J., Rajko-Nenow, P., Winterbourn, J. B., Malham, S. K. & Jones, D. L., 1 Aug 2014, In: Journal of Applied Microbiology. 117, 2, p. 564-571

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  154. Published

    Effectiveness of engineered in-stream structure mitigation measures to increase salmonid abundance: a systematic review

    Stewart, G. B., Bayliss, H. R., Showler, D. A., Sutherland, W. J. & Pullin, A. S., Jul 2009, In: Ecological Applications. 19, 4, p. 931-941

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  155. Published

    Effectiveness of management interventions to control invasion by Rhododendron ponticum.

    Tyler, C., Pullin, A. S. & Stewart, G. B., 1 Apr 2006, In: Environmental Management. 37, 4, p. 513-522

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  156. Published

    Effectiveness of predator removal for enhancing bird populations.

    Smith, R. K., Pullin, A. S., Stewart, G. B. & Sutherland, W. J., 1 Jun 2010, In: Conservation Biology. 24, 3, p. 820-829

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  157. Published

    Effectiveness of snake antivenom: Species and regional venom variation and its clinical impact.

    Wuster, W., Fry, B. G., Winkel, K. D., Wickramaratna, J. C., Hodgson, W. C. & Wüster, W., 1 Jun 2003, In: Journal of Toxicology - Toxin Reviews. 22, 1, p. 23-34

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  158. Published

    Effects of 7 years of field weathering on biochar recalcitrance and solubility

    Williams, E. K., Jones, D. L., Sanders, H. R., Benitez, G. V. & Plante, A. F., 15 Nov 2019, In: Biochar. 1, 3, p. 237-248

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  159. Published

    Effects of Climate Change on Peatland Reservoirs: A DOC Perspective

    Fenner, N., Meadham, J., Jones, T., Hayes, F. & Freeman, C., Jul 2021, In: Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 35, 7, e2021GB006992.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  160. Published

    Effects of Long-Term Flow Variation on Microhydropower Energy Production in Pressure Reducing Valves in Water Distribution Networks

    Brady, J., Gallagher, J., Corcoran, L., Coughlan, P. & McNabola, A., Mar 2017, In: Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management. 143, 3

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  161. Published

    Effects of Photon Fluence Rate on Carbon Partitioning in Barley Source Leaves

    Farrar, S. & Farrar, J. F., 1987, In: Plant Physiology and Biochemistry (France). 25, 5, p. 541-548 8 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  162. Published

    Effects of acclimation and acute temperature change on specific dynamic action and gastric processing in the green shore crab, Carcinus maenas

    McGaw, I. J. & Whiteley, N. M., 1 Dec 2012, In: Journal of Thermal Biology. 37, 8, p. 570-578

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  163. Published

    Effects of acidification and its mitigation with lime and wood ash on forest soil processes in southern Sweden: a joint multidisciplinary study.

    Lundstrom, U. S., Bain, D. C., Taylor, A. F., Van Hees, P. A., Geibe, C. E., Holmstrom, S. J., Melkerud, P. A., Finlay, R., Jones, D. L., Nyberg, L., Gustafsson, J. P., Riise, G. & Strand, L. T., 1 Jul 2003, In: Water, Air and Soil Pollution: Focus. 3, 4, p. 167-188

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  164. Published

    Effects of adding bulking agents on biostabilization and drying of municipal solid waste

    Yuan, J., Zhang, D., Li, Y., Chadwick, D., Li, G., Li, Y. & Du, L., 1 Apr 2017, In: Waste Management. 62, p. 52-60

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  165. Published

    Effects of biochar amendment on greenhouse gas emissions, net ecosystem carbon budget and properties of an acidic soil under intensive vegetable production

    Wang, J., Chen, Z., Xiong, Z., Chen, C., Xu, X., Zhou, Q. & Kuzyakov, Y., 29 Jul 2015, In: Soil Use and Management. 31, 3, p. 375-383

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  166. Published

    Effects of biochar amendment on the net greenhouse gas emission and greenhouse gas intensity in a Chinese double rice cropping system

    Liu, J. Y., Shen, J. L., Li, Y., Su, Y. R., Ge, T., Jones, D. L. & Wu, J. S., 16 Sept 2014, In: European Journal of Soil Biology. 65, p. 30-39

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  167. Published

    Effects of crown size on wood characteristics of Corsican pine in relation to definition's of juvenile wood, crown formed wood and core wood.

    Amarasekara, H. & Denne, M. P., 1 Jan 2002, In: Forestry. 75, 1, p. 51-61

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  168. Published

    Effects of date of sowing on seed yield, seed germination and vigour of peas and flax.

    Siddique, A. B. & Wright, D., 1 Jul 2004, In: Seed Science and Technology. 32, 2, p. 455-472

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  169. Published

    Effects of defoliation on growth characteristics and N, P, K content in an alder/maize agroforestry system.

    Nyeko, P., Edwards-Jones, G., Day, R. K. & Ap Dewi, I., 1 Jan 2004, In: African Crop Science Journal. 12, p. 369-381

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  170. Published

    Effects of different housing systems on some performance traits and egg qualities of laying hens.

    Omed, H., Sekeroglu, A., Sarica, M., Demir, E., Ulutas, Z., Tilki, M., Saatci, M. & Omed, H. M., 1 Jun 2010, In: Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances. 9, 12, p. 1739-1744

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  171. Published

    Effects of elevated CO2 on fen peat biogeochemistry.

    Kang, H., Freeman, C. & Ashendon, T. W., 12 Nov 2001, In: Science of the Total Environment. 279, 1-3, p. 45-50

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  172. Published

    Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 concentrations on soil microorganisms.

    Freeman, C., Kim, S. Y., Lee, S. H. & Kang, H., 1 Dec 2004, In: Journal of Microbiology. 42, 4, p. 267-277

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  173. Published

    Effects of farmyard manure on soil S cycling: Substrate level exploration of high- and low-molecular weight organic S decomposition

    Ma, Q., Tang, S., Pan, W., Zhou, J., Chadwick, D. R., Hill, P. W., Wu, L. & Jones, D. L., 1 Sept 2021, In: Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 160, 108359.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  174. Published

    Effects of fire exclusion on forest structure and composition in unlogged ponderosa pine/Douglas-fir forests.

    Keeling, E. G., Sala, A. & DeLuca, T. H., 15 Dec 2006, In: Forest Ecology and Management. 237, 1-3, p. 418-428

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  175. Published

    Effects of four years of elevated ozone on microbial biomass and extracellular enzyme activities in a semi-natural grassland

    Wang, J., Hayes, F., Turner, R., Chadwick, D. R., Mills, G. & Jones, D. L., 10 Apr 2019, In: Science of the Total Environment. 660, p. 260-268 9 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  176. Published

    Effects of grazing on the acquisition of nitrogen by plants and microorganisms in an alpine grassland on the Tibetan plateau

    Jiang, L., Wang, S., Zhe, P., Wang, C., Kardol, P., Zhong, L., Yu, Q., Lan, Z., Wang, Y., Xu, X., Kuzyakov, Y., Luo, C., Zhang, Z. & Jones, D. L., 9 Mar 2017, In: Plant and Soil. 416, 1-2, p. 297-308

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  177. Published

    Effects of herbicides on nodulation and growth in two varieties of peas (Pisum sativum)

    Singh, G. & Wright, D., 1 Sept 2002, In: Acta Agronomica Hungarica. 50, 3, p. 337-348

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  178. Published

    Effects of high-sugar grasses and improved manure management on the environmental footprint of milk production at the farm level

    Soteriades, A. D., Gonzalez Mejia, A. M., Styles, D., Foskolos, A., Moorby, J. M. & Gibbons, J. M., 20 Nov 2018, In: Journal of Cleaner Production. 202, p. 1241-1252

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  179. Published

    Effects of light environment on maize in hillside agroforestry systems of Nepal

    Tiwari, T. P., Brook, R. M., Wagstaff, P. & Sinclair, F. L., Mar 2013, In: Food Security. 4, 1, p. 103-114

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  180. Published

    Effects of logging on roadless space in intact forest landscapes of the Congo Basin

    Kleinschroth, F., Healey, J., Gourlet-Fleury, S., Mortier, F. & Stoica, R. S., Apr 2017, In: Conservation Biology. 31, 2, p. 469-480

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  181. Published

    Effects of long-term grazing management on sand dune vegetation of high conservation interest.

    Plassmann, K., Jones, M. L. & Edwards-Jones, G., 1 Feb 2010, In: Applied Vegetation Science. 13, 1, p. 100-112

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  182. Published

    Effects of plastic residues and microplastics on soil ecosystems: A global meta-analysis

    Zhang, J., Ren, S., Xu, W., Liang, C., Li, J., Zhang, H., Li, Y., Liu, X., Jones, D. L., Chadwick, D. & Wang, K., 5 Aug 2022, In: Journal of Hazardous Materials. 435, 129065.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  183. Published

    Effects of prokaryotic diversity changes on hydrocarbon degradation rates and metal partitioning during bioremediation of contaminated anoxic marine sediments

    Rocchetti, L., Beolchini, F., Hallberg, K. B., Johnson, D. B. & Dell'Anno, A., 1 Aug 2012, In: Marine Pollution Bulletin. 64, 8, p. 1688-1698

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  184. Published

    Effects of prometryn and trietazine/simazine on weeds and nodulation, nitrogenase activity, growth and yield of pea (Pisum sativum L.)

    Singh, G. & Wright, D., 1 Jan 2002, In: Annals of Biology. 18, p. 1-8

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  185. Published

    Effects of reconstruction of a pre-European vertebrate assemblage on ground-dwelling arachnids in arid Australia

    Silvey, C. J., Hayward, M. W. & Gibb, H., 1 Jun 2015, In: Oecologia. 178, 2, p. 497-509

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  186. Published

    Effects of reproductive condition, season, and site on selected temperatures of a viviparous gecko

    Rock, J., Andrews, R. M. & Cree, A., 1 May 2000, In: Physiological and Biochemical Zoology. 73, 3, p. 344-355

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  187. Published

    Effects of salinity on rates of protein synthesis and oxygen uptake in the post-larvae and juveniles of the tropical prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man).

    Intanai, I., Taylor, E. W. & Whiteley, N. M., 1 Mar 2009, In: Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology A - Molecular and Integrative Physiology. 152, 3, p. 372-378

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  188. Published

    Effects of salinity, DOM and metals on the fate and microbial toxicology of propetamphos formulations in river and estuarine sediment

    Garcia-Ortega, S., Holliman, P. J. & Jones, D., May 2011, In: Chemosphere. 83, 8, p. 1117-1123

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  189. Published

    Effects of seed origin and site on the amenability of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) grown in Britain to preservative treatment in longitudinal and radial directions.

    Usta, I. & Hale, M. D., 1 Jan 2004, In: Forestry. 77, 1, p. 45-59

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  190. Published

    Effects of seed origin and site on wood density of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis (Bong.) Carr.) grown in Britain.

    Usta, I. & Hale, M. D., 1 Feb 2002, In: Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry. 26, 1, p. 21-30

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  191. Published

    Effects of solute breakthrough curve tail truncation on residence time estimates: A synthesis of solute tracer injection studies

    Drummond, J. D., Covino, T. P., Aubeneau, A. F., Leong, D., Patil, S. D., Schumer, R. & Packman, A. I., 1 Sept 2012, In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences. 117, G3

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  192. Published

    Effects of sowing method on survival, ion uptake and yield of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in sodic soils.

    Rajpar, I. & Wright, D., 1 Jun 2000, In: Journal of Agricultural Science. 134, 4, p. 369-378

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  193. Published

    Effects of the length of incubation period and herbicides on nitrogenase activity of pea (Pisum sativum L.)

    Singh, G. & Wright, D., 1 Jul 2002, In: Acta Agronomica Hungarica. 50, 2, p. 135-143

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  194. Published

    Effects of warming and grazing on dissolved organic nitrogen in a Tibetan alpine meadow ecosystem

    Jiang, L., Wang, S., Luo, C., Zhu, X., Kardol, P., Zhang, Z., Li, Y., Wang, C., Wang, Y. & Jones, D., 1 May 2016, In: Soil & Tillage Research. 158, May, p. 156-164

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  195. Published

    Effects of water salinity on acid-base balance in decapod crustaceans.

    Whiteley, N. M., Scott, J. L., Breeze, S. J. & McCann, L., 1 Mar 2001, In: Journal of Experimental Biology. 204, 5, p. 1003-1011

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  196. Published

    Effects ofAgeratina adenophoraInvasion on the Understory Community and Soil Phosphorus Characteristics of Different Forest Types in Southwest China

    Wu, X., Duan, C., Fu, D., Peng, P., Zhao, L. & Jones, D. L., 25 Jul 2020, In: Forests. 11, 8

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  197. Published

    Efficacy of mitigation measures for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from intensively cultivated peatlands

    Taft, H., Cross, P. & Jones, D. L., Dec 2018, In: Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 127, p. 10-21

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  198. Published

    Efficient identification of proteins from ovaries and hepatopancreas of the unsequencedediblecrab, Cancerpagurus, by massspectrometry and homology-based, cross-speciessearching

    Ward, D. A., Sefton, E. M., Prescott, M. C., Webster, S. G., Wainwright, G., Rees, H. H. & Fisher, M. J., 10 Oct 2010, In: Journal of Proteomics. 73, 12, p. 2354-2364

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  199. Published

    Efficient synthesis of ordered organo-layered double hydroxides.

    Greenwell, H. C., Jones, W., Rugen-Hankey, S. L., Holliman, P. J. & Thompson, R. L., 1 Apr 2010, In: Green Chemistry. 12, 4, p. 688-695

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  200. Published

    Efficient utilization of very dilute aquatic sperm: sperm competition may be more likely than sperm limitation when eggs are retained.

    Pemberton, A. J., Hughes, R. N., Manriquez, P. H. & Bishop, J. D., 7 Nov 2003, In: Proceedings of The Royal Society B - Biological Sciences. 270, Supplement 2, p. S223-S226

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  201. Published

    Eight microsatellite loci in the Caribbean lizard, Anolis roquet.

    Ogden, R., Griffiths, T. J. & Thorpe, R. S., 1 Sept 2002, In: Conservation Genetics. 3, 3, p. 345-346

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  202. Published

    Electrical characterization of 7 nm long conjugated molecular wires: experimental and theoretical studies.

    Wang, C., Batsanov, A. S., Bryce, M. R., Ashwell, G. J., Urasinska, B., Grace, I. & Lambert, C. J., 31 Jan 2007, In: Nanotechnology. 18, 4, p. 044005

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  203. Published

    Electrochemical impedance spectroscopy biosensor for detection of active botulinum neurotoxin

    Halliwell, J. H., Savage, A., Buckley, N. J., Halliwell, J., Savage, A. C., Buckley, N. & Gwenin, C. D., 13 Oct 2014, In: Sensing and Bio-Sensing Research. 2, p. 12-15

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  204. Published

    Electrochemical quartz crystal microbalance study of self-assembled monolayers and multilayers of ferrocenylthiol derivatives on gold

    Viana, A. S., Kalaji, M. & Abrantes, L. M., 28 Oct 2003, In: Langmuir. 19, 22, p. 9542-9544

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  205. Published

    Electrochemical, spectroscopic and SPM evidence for the controlled formation of self-assembled monolayers and organised multilayers of ferrocenyl alkyl thiols on Au (111)

    Viana, A. S., Abrantes, L. M., Jin, G., Floate, S., Nichols, R. J. & Kalaji, M., 1 Jan 2001, In: Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics. 3, 16, p. 3411-3419

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  206. Published

    Electrodeposition of nickel on carbon felt.

    Malpass, G. R., Kalaji, M., Venancio, E. C. & Motheo, A. J., 30 Oct 2004, In: Electrochimica Acta. 49, 27, p. 4933-4938

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  207. Published

    Electron donation between copper containing nitrite reductases and cupredoxins: the nature of protein-protein interaction in complex formation

    Murphy, L. M., Dodd, F. E., Yousafzai, F. K., Eady, R. R. & Hasnain, S. S., 25 Jan 2002, In: Journal of Molecular Biology. 315, 4, p. 859-871

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  208. Published

    Electropolymerization Studies on a Series of Thiophene-Substituted 1,3-Dithiole-2-ones: Solid-State Preparation of a Novel TTF-Derivatized Polythiophene.

    Anjos, T., Charlton, A., Coles, S. J., Croft, A. K., Hursthouse, M. B., Kalaji, M., Murphy, P. J. & Roberts-Bleming, S. J., 14 Apr 2009, In: Macromolecules. 42, 7, p. 2505-2515

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  209. Published

    Electrospray liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry fingerprinting of Acanthophis (death adder) venoms: taxonomic and toxinological implications.

    Wuster, W., Fry, B. G., Wickramaratna, J. C., Hodgson, W. C., Alewood, P. F., Kini, R. M., Ho, H. & Wüster, W., 1 Feb 2002, In: Rapid communications in Mass Spectrometry. 16, 6, p. 600-608

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  210. Published

    Elemental sulfur and acetate can support life of a novel strictly anaerobic haloarchaeon

    Sorokin, D. Y., Kublanov, I. V., Gavrilov, S. N., Rojo, D., Roman, P., Golyshin, P., Slepak, V. Z., Smedile, F., Ferrer, M., Messina, E., La Cono, V. & Yakimov, M. M., Jan 2016, In: ISME Journal. 10, p. 240-252

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  211. Published

    Elephants can determine ethnicity, gender, and age from acoustic cues in human voices

    Shannon, G. W., McComb, K., Shannon, G., Sayialel, K. N. & Moss, C., 10 Mar 2014, In: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 111, 14, p. 5433-5438

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  212. Published

    Elevated pCO2 does not impair performance in autotomised individuals of the intertidal predatory starfish Asterias rubens (Linnaeus, 1758)

    McCarthy, I., Whiteley, N., Fernandez, W., Ragagnin, M., Cornwell, T., Suckling, C. & Turra, A., Jan 2020, In: Marine Environmental Research. 153, 104841.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  213. Published

    Elevated Atmospheric CO2 Affects Ectomycorrhizal Species Abundance and Increases Sporocarp Production under Field Conditions

    Godbold, D. L., Vasutova, M., Wilkinson, A., Edwards-Jonasova, M., Bambrick, M., Smith, A., Pavelka, M. & Cudlin, P., 21 Apr 2015, In: Forests. 6, 4, p. 1256-1273

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  214. Published

    Elevated CO2 and Tree Species Affect Microbial Activity and Associated Aggregate Stability in Soil Amended with Litter

    Al-Maliki, S. M. J., Jones, D. L., Godbold, D. L., Gwynn-Jones, D. & Scullion, J., 1 Mar 2017, In: Forests. 8, 3

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  215. Published

    Elevated CO2 and high salinity enhance the abundance of sulfate reducers in a salt marsh ecosystem

    Kim, S-Y., Freeman, C., Lukac, M., Lee, S-H., Kim, S. D. & Kang, H., Mar 2020, In: Applied Soil Ecology. 147, 103386.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  216. Published

    Elevated CO2 effects on peatland plant community carbon dynamics and DOC production.

    Fenner, N., Ostle, N. J., McNamara, N., Sparks, T., Harmens, H., Reynolds, B. & Freeman, C., 1 Jun 2007, In: Ecosystems. 10, 4, p. 635-647

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  217. Published

    Elevated CO2 enrichment induces a differential biomass response in a mixed species temperate forest plantation

    Godbold, D. L., Smith, A. R., Lukac, M., Hood, R., Healey, J. R. & Miglietta, F. G., 1 Apr 2013, In: New Phytologist. 198, 1, p. 156-168

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  218. Published

    Elevated atmospheric CO2 and humidity delay leaf fall in Betula pendula, but not in Alnus glutinosa or Populus tremula x tremuloides

    Godbold, D., Tullus, A., Kupper, P., Sober, J., Ostonen, I., Godbold, J. A., Lukac, M., Ahmed, I. U. & Smith, A. R., 21 May 2014, In: Annals of Forest Science. 71, 8, p. 831-842

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  219. Published

    Elevated atmospheric CO2 changes phosphorus fractions in soils under a short rotation poplar plantation (EuroFACE).

    Khna, F., Lukac, M., Turner, G. & Godbold, D. L., 1 Jul 2008, In: Soil Biology and Biochemistry. 40, 7, p. 1716-1723

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  220. Published

    Elevated fires during COVID-19 lockdown and the vulnerability of protected areas

    Eklund, J., Jones, J. P. G., Räsänen, M., Geldmann, J., Jokinen, A-P., Pellegrini, A., Rakotobe, D., Rakotonarivo, O. S., Toivonen, T. & Balmford, A., Jul 2022, In: Nature Sustainability . 5, 7, p. 603-609

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  221. Published

    Elevated mtDNA diversity in introduced populations of Cynotilapia afra (Gunther 1894) in Lake Malawi National Park is evidence for multiple source populations and hybridization.

    Zidana, H., Turner, G. F., Van Oosterhout, C. & Hanfling, B., 1 Nov 2009, In: Molecular Ecology. 18, 21, p. 4380-4389

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  222. Published

    Elevated serum antibody responses to synthetic mycobacterial lipid antigens among UK farmers: an indication of exposure to environmental mycobacteria?

    Jones, A., Davies, C., Al-Dulayymi, J., Gwenin, C., Gibbons, J., Williams, P. & Baird, M., 1 Feb 2021, In: RSC Medicinal Chemistry. 12, 2, p. 213-221 9 p.

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  223. Published

    Eliciting expert opinion on the effectiveness and practicality of interventions in the farm and rural environment to reduce human exposure to Escherichia coli O157

    Cross, P., Rigby, D. & Edwards-Jones, G., 1 Apr 2012, In: Epidemiology and Infection. 140, *04), p. 643-654

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  224. Published

    Elucidating cylindrospermopsin toxicity via synthetic analogues: An in vitro approach

    Murphy, P., Evans, D., Hughes, J., Jones, L., Falfushynska, H., Horyn, O., Sokolova, I., Christensen, J., Coles, S. & Rzymskic, P., Nov 2019, In: Chemosphere. 234, p. 139-147 9 p.

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  225. Published

    Elucidation of carbon transfer in a mixed culture of Acidiphilium cryptum and Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans using protein-based stable isotope probing

    Kremer, R., Hedrich, S., Taubert, M., Baumann, S., Schlömann, M., Johnson, D. B. & Seifert, J., 1 May 2012, In: Journal of Integreated OMICS. 2, 1, p. 37-45

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  226. Published

    Emerging biological insights enabled by high-resolution 3D motion data: promises, perspectives and pitfalls

    Provini, P., Camp, A. L. & Crandell, K., 25 Apr 2023, In: Journal of Experimental Biology. 226, Suppl_1, jeb245138.

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  227. Published

    Emerging technologies for the rapid detection of enteric viruses in the aquatic environment

    Farkas, K., Mannion, F., Hillary, L., Malham, S. & Walker, D., Aug 2020, In: Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health. 16, p. 1-6

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  228. Published

    Emerging threats from deforestation and forest fragmentation in the Wallacea centre of endemism

    Voigt, M., Supriatna, J., Deere, N. J., Kastanya, A., Mitchell, S. L., Rosa, I., Santika, T., Siregar, R., Tasirin, J. S., Widyanto, A., Winarni, N. L., Zakaria, Z., Mumbunan, S., Davies, Z. G. & Struebig, M., 7 Sept 2021, In: Environmental Research Letters. 16, 094048.

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  229. Published

    Emissions down the drain: Balancing life cycle energy and greenhouse gas savings with resource use for heat recovery from kitchen drains

    Schestak, I., Spriet, J., Styles, D. & Williams, P., 1 Oct 2020, In: Journal of Environmental Management. 271, 110988.

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  230. Published

    Enantiomer Discriminating Dehydrogenation of (R,S)-(±)-1-Phenylethan-1-ol to Acetophenone Catalysed by Chiral Cobalt(II) Schiff's Base Complexes and Triphenylphosphine

    Beckett, M. & Homer, R. B., Dec 1986, In: Inorganica Chimica Acta. 122, 1, p. L5-L7

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  231. Published

    Encounter data in resource management and ecology: pitfalls and possibilities

    Keane, A., Jones, J. P. G. & Milner-Gulland, E. J., Oct 2011, In: Journal of Applied Ecology. 48, 5, p. 1164-1173

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  232. Published

    Endemic trees in a tropical biodiversity hotspot imperilled by an invasive tree

    Bellingham, P. J., Tanner, E. V. J., Martin, P. H., Healey, J. & Burge, O. R., Jan 2018, In: Biological Conservation. 217, 1, p. 47-53

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  233. Published

    Ending the drought: new strategies for improving the flow of affordable, effective antivenoms in Asia and Africa

    Williams, D. J., Gutiérrez, J. M., Calvete, J. J., Wüster, W., Ratanabanangkoon, K., Paiva, O., Brown, N. I., Casewell, N. R., Harrison, R. A., Rowley, P., O'Shea, M., Jensen, S. D. & Winkel, K. D., 24 Aug 2011, In: Journal of Proteomics. 74, 9, p. 1735–1767 33 p.

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  234. Published

    Endocan is a VEGF-A and P13K regulated gene with increased expression in human renal cancer.

    Cross, M., Rennel, E., Mellberg, S., Dimberg, A., Petersson, L., Botling, J., Ameur, A., Orzechowski Westholm, J., Komorowski, J., Lassalle, P., Cross, M. J. & Gerwins, P., 15 Apr 2007, In: Experimental Cell Research. 313, 7, p. 1285-1294

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  235. Published

    Endocrine cells in the gut of the shore crab Carcinus maenas immunoreactive to crustacean hyperglycaemic hormone and its precursor-related peptide.

    Webster, S. G., Dircksen, H. & Chung, J. S., 2 Apr 2000, In: Cell and Tissue Research. 300, 1, p. 193-205

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  236. Published

    Endosymbionts of Acari.

    Perotti, M. A. & Braig, H. R., 1 Jan 2005, In: Phytophaga. 14, p. 457-474

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  237. Published

    Energy production and the potential for life on outer solar system satellites

    Winder, I. C., 2010, In: Journal of Young Investigators. 19, p. 1-7 7 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  238. Published

    Energy recovery in the water industry using micro-hydropower: an opportunity to improve sustainability

    McNabola, A., Coughlan, P., Corcoran, L., Power, C., Williams, A. P., Harris, I., Gallagher, J. & Styles, D., 1 Feb 2014, In: Water Policy. 16, 1

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  239. Published

    Energy recovery in the water industry: an assessment of the potential of micro-hydropower

    McNabola, A., Coughlin, P. & Williams, A. P., 1 Jun 2014, In: Water and Environment Journal. 28, 2, p. 294-304

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  240. Published

    Engagement in co-management of marine benthic resources influences environmental perceptions of artisanal fishers.

    Gelcich, S., Kaiser, M. J., Castilla, J. C. & Edwards-Jones, G., 1 Mar 2008, In: Environmental Conservation. 35, 1, p. 36-45

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  241. Published

    Engineering Proximal vs Distal Heme-NO Coordination via Dinitrosyl Dynamics: Implications for NO Sensor Design

    Kekilli, D., Peterson, C. A., Pixton, D. A., Ghafoor, D. D., Abdullah, G. H., Dworkowski, F. S. N., Wilson, M. T., Heyes, D. J., Hardman, S. J. O., Murphy, L. M., Strange, R. W., Scrutton, N. S., Andrew, C. R. & Hough, M. A., 2017, In: Chemical Science. 2017, 8, p. 1986-1994

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  242. Published

    Enhanced nitrogen deposition exacerbates the negative effect of increasing background ozone in Dactylis glomerata, but not Ranunculus acris

    Wyness, K., Hydrology, C. F. E., Hydrology, C. F. E., University;, N. & Jones, D. L., 1 Oct 2011, In: Environmental Pollution. 159, 10, p. 2493-2499

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  243. Published

    Enhanced soil aggregate stability limits colloidal phosphorus loss potentials in agricultural systems

    Li, F., Liang, X., Li, H., Jin, Y., Jin, J., He, M., Klumpp, E. & Bol, R., 10 Feb 2020, In: Environmental Sciences Europe. 32, 1, 17.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  244. Published

    Enhanced soil fertility under Juniperus communis in arctic ecosystems.

    DeLuca, T. H. & Zackrisson, O., 1 May 2007, In: Plant and Soil. 294, 1-2, p. 147-155

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  245. Published

    Enhanced woody biomass production in a mature temperate forest under elevated CO2

    Norby, R. J., Loader, N., Mayoral, C., Ullah, S., Curioni, G., Smith, A., Reay, M. K., van Wijngaarden, K., Amjad, M. S., Brettle, D., Crockatt, M. E., Denny, G., Grzesik, R. T., Hamilton, R. L., Hart, K. M., Hartley, I. P., Jones, A. G., Kourmouli, A., Larsen, J. R., Shi, Z., Thomas, R. M. & MacKenzie, A. R., 1 Sept 2024, In: Nature Climate Change. 14, 9, p. 983-988 6 p.

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

  246. Published

    Enhanced zinc uptake by rice through phytosiderophore secretion: a modelling study

    Ptashnyk, M., Roose, T., Jones, D. L. & Kirk, G. J. D., Dec 2011, In: Plant Cell and Environment. 34, 12, p. 2038-2046

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  247. Published

    Enhanced-efficiency fertilizers are not a panacea for resolving the nitrogen problem

    Li, T., Zhang, W., Yin, J., Chadwick, D., Norse, D., Lu, Y., Liu, X., Chen, X., Zhang, F., Powlson, D. & Dou, Z., Feb 2018, In: Global Change Biology. 24, 2, p. e511-e521

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  248. Published

    Enhancing first year undergraduate student engagement via the School of Biological Sciences tutorials module

    McDonald, J. E. & Robinson, R. L., 1 Jul 2014, In: Bioscience Education. 22, 1, p. 54-69

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  249. Published

    Enhancing maize productivity in agroforestry systems through managing competition: lessons from smallholders' farms, Rift valley, Kenya

    Nyaga, J., Muthuri, C. W., Barrios, E., Oborn, I. & Sinclair, F. L., Apr 2019, In: Agroforestry Systems. 93, 2, p. 715-730

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  250. Published

    Enrichment and identification of polycyclic aromatic compound-degrading bacteria enriched from sediment samples.

    Long, R. M., Lappin-Scott, H. M. & Stevens, J. R., 1 Jul 2009, In: Biodegradation. 20, 4, p. 521-531

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  251. Published

    Enrichment and isolation of acid-tolerant sulfate-reducing microorganisms in the anoxic, acidic hot spring sediments from Copahue volcano, Argentina

    Willis, G., Nancucheo, I., Hedrich, S., Giaveno, A., Donati, E. & Johnson, D. B., Dec 2019, In: Fems Microbiology Ecology. p. fiz175

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