School of Environmental & Natural Sciences

  1. Genome-wide analysis of topoisomerase removal after campothecin treatment in the context of replication and transcription

    Author: Ashour Garrido, K., 30 Jun 2015

    Supervisor: Hartsuiker, E. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  2. Impedimetric biosensor designed for the multiplex detection of cortisol and human growth hormone

    Author: Ashton, R., 27 Sept 2021

    Supervisor: Gwenin, C. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  3. Studying the frost tolerance of Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis [Bong.] Carr.)

    Author: Atucha Zamkova, A., 20 Dec 2021

    Supervisor: Steele, K. (Supervisor) & Smith, A. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  4. Medicinal plant resources with special reference to Pterocarpus Tinctorius and Strychnos Spinosa at Urumwa, Tabora region, Tanzania

    Author: Augustino, S., Nov 2006

    Supervisor: Hall, J. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  5. Dendroecology, history and dynamics of mixed woodlands at the upper timberline of the central Italian Alps

    Author: Backmeroff, C. E., Jan 2001

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  6. Studies on organ cultures of slug reproductive tracts

    Author: Bailey, T. G., Sept 1970

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  7. The role of the oospore in the population dynamics of Phytophthora infestans

    Author: Baines, L. C., 2002

    Supervisor: Shattock, R. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  8. Single tree felling gaps and regeneration in Tanzania montane forests

    Author: Bakari, J. R., Aug 2002

    Supervisor: Hall, J. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  9. Ecophysiology of ecotypes : An investigation in the ecophysiology of sand dune ecotypes

    Author: Baleela, A. R. H., Jan 1983

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  10. Identification and testing of enzymes and prodrugs for use in directed enzyme prodrug therapy strategies for the treatment of cancer

    Author: Ball, P., 2019

    Supervisor: Gwenin, C. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  11. Determining the consequences of forest degradation on mangrove epifauna in South-East Kenya

    Author: Barbanera, A., 24 Feb 2021

    Supervisor: Markesteijn, L. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Masters by Research

  12. Mutagenesis, spectroscopic and crystallographic studies of recombinant cytochrome c' from Alcaligenes xylosoxidans

    Author: Barbieri, S., May 2007

    Supervisor: Murphy, L. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  13. Growth and characterisation of functional molecular wires

    Author: Barnes, S. A., 2012

    Supervisor: Ashwell, G. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  14. The influence of antecedent soil moisture conditions and nutrient management on soil nitrous oxide emissions.

    Author: Barrat, H., 8 Jun 2022

    Supervisor: Cardenas, L. M. (External person) (Supervisor), Chadwick, D. (Supervisor) & Jones, D. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  15. Laser-fibre system for in situ stress monitoring of thin films

    Author: Barrioz, V., Feb 2003

    Supervisor: Irvine, S. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  16. Assessing landscape-scale patterns of activity and habitat-use by fallow deer (Dama dama) in the Elwy Valley region of North Wales, UK

    Author: Barton, O., 6 Mar 2023

    Supervisor: Healey, J. (Supervisor), Cordes, L. (Supervisor) & Shannon, G. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  17. Understanding the Role of Wastewater in the Spread of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria

    Author: Bashawri, Y. M. A., 30 Jul 2019

    Supervisor: Williams, P. (Supervisor), Chigor, V. N. (External person) (Supervisor), McDonald, J. (Supervisor), Williams, M. (External person) (Supervisor) & Jones, D. L. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  18. Studies on the ant-fungus mutualism in leafcutting ants, Formicidae: attini.

    Author: Bass, M., Jan 1993

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  19. Mitigating greenhouse gases emission from cattle slurry: An approach for small-medium scale farms

    Author: Bastami, M. S., Jan 2016

    Supervisor: Chadwick, D. (Supervisor) & Jones, D. L. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  20. Are we learning? : strengthening local people's capacities to facilitate the recuperation of degraded pasture lands in Central America

    Author: Bautista Solis, P., Jan 2012

    Supervisor: Brook, R. (Supervisor)

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

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