Ysgol Gwyddorau Amgylcheddol a Naturiol

  1. Patent › Ymchwil
  2. Cyhoeddwyd

    Improvements in and relating to plant pathogen resistance.

    Shirsat, A. H., 1 Ion 2005, Rhif y patent UK Patent Application number 0513079.4

    Allbwn ymchwil: Patent

  3. Cyhoeddwyd

    Increasing spectral response of meso-porous solar cells

    Holliman, P. J., Holliman, P. & Davies, M. L., 19 Rhag 2013, Rhif y patent 1322586.7

    Allbwn ymchwil: Patent

  4. Cyhoeddwyd

    Kit and method – Publication No. WO 2016/024116 A1

    Gwenin, C. & Baird, M., 2016, Rhif y patent WO 2016/024116 A1

    Allbwn ymchwil: Patent

  5. Cyhoeddwyd

    Low temperature platinisation for dye sensitized solar cells.

    Holliman, P. J., Ketipearachchi, U., Anthony, R. & Connell, A., 2 Medi 2009, Rhif y patent UK patent 0915251.3

    Allbwn ymchwil: Patent

  6. Cyhoeddwyd

    Low temperature sintering of dye sensitized solar cells.

    Holliman, P. J. & Connell, A., 25 Maw 2009, Rhif y patent UK patent 0905082.4.

    Allbwn ymchwil: Patent

  7. Cyhoeddwyd

    Method and compositions

    Baird, M., Al-Dulayymi, J., Grooten, J., Beken, S. V. & Maza-Iglesias, M., 2014, Rhif y patent 20140178434

    Allbwn ymchwil: Patent

  8. Cyhoeddwyd

    Method and compositions

    Baird, M., Al-Dulayymi, J., Grooten, J., Beken, S. V. & Maza-Iglesias, M., 2012, Rhif y patent 20120045478

    Allbwn ymchwil: Patent

  9. Cyhoeddwyd

    Method and kit for detection of mycobacteria

    Gwenin, C. & Baird, M., 2016, Rhif y patent WO 2016/024118

    Allbwn ymchwil: Patent

  10. Cyhoeddwyd

    Method for determining exposure to mycobacteria

    Gwenin, C., 2012, Rhif y patent WO 2012/131394 A1

    Allbwn ymchwil: Patent

  11. Cyhoeddwyd

    Method for determining the presence or absence of a biomarker

    Gwenin, C., 2012, Rhif y patent WO 2012/153111 A1

    Allbwn ymchwil: Patent