Professor Tom Rippeth

Dolenni cyswllt
Contact info
Office Location: 3rd floor Craig Mair Building, School of Ocean Sciences
Twitter: @rippetht
Phone: 01248 382293
Location: School of Ocean Sciences, Askew Street, Menai Bridge, LL59 5AB
Research Gate: Tom_Rippeth2 Google Scholar: Tom Rippeth
Tom is the established Chair in Physical Oceanography. He is an observational oceanographer with a strong research interest in turbulence and mixing in the marine environment. His work has involved the development of new technqiues for the measurement of aquatic turbulence, and the use of turbulence measurements to identify, unravel and quantify key physical processes which drive mixing in the ocean. His current research focuses on the impact of mixing by the tide and wind on melting Arctic sea ice and the processes determining the surface mixed layer depth in the ocean.
Tom is a Fellow of the Royal Meteorological Society and a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Research Areas
High Latitude Physical Oceanography
- Erthygl › Ymchwil › Adolygwyd gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Simpson, J., Sharples, J. & Rippeth, T., 1 Gorff 1991, Yn: Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 33, 1, t. 23-35Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
A novel technique for measuring the rate of turbulent dissipation in the marine environment.
Wiles, P. J., Rippeth, T. P., Simpson, J. H. & Hendricks, P. J., 10 Tach 2006, Yn: Geophysical Research Letters. 33, 21, t. L21608Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
An investigation of internal mixing in a seasonally stratified shelf sea.
Palmer, M., Rippeth, T. P. & Simpson, J. H., 10 Rhag 2008, Yn: Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. 113, C12, t. C12005Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Comparing the performance of the Mellor-Yamada and the k-epsilon two-equation turbulence models
Burchard, H., Pederson, O. & Rippeth, T., 15 Mai 1998, Yn: Journal of Geophysical Research-Oceans. 103, C5, t. 10543-10554Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Correcting surface wave bias in structure function estimates of turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate
Scannell, B., Rippeth, T., Simpson, J., Polton, J. & Hopkins, J., Hyd 2017, Yn: Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology. 34, 10, t. 2257-2273Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Current oscillations in the diurnal-inertial band on the Catalonian shelf in spring.
Rippeth, T. P., Simpson, J. H., Player, R. J. & Garcia, M., 1 Ion 2002, Yn: Continental Shelf Research. 22, 2, t. 247-265Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Density and flow structure in the Clyde Sea front
Rippeth, T., Kasai, A. & Simpson, J., 1 Tach 1999, Yn: Continental Shelf Research. 19, 4, t. 1833-1848Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Dissipation of Tidal Energy and Associated Mixing in a Wide Fjord
Rippeth, T. & Inall, M. E., 1 Medi 2002, Yn: Environmental Fluid Mechanics. 2, 3, t. 219-240Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Diurnal signals in vertical motions on the Hebridean Shelf
Rippeth, T. & Simpson, J., 1 Tach 1998, Yn: Limnology and Oceanography. 43, 7, t. 1690-1696Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid
- Cyhoeddwyd
Do observations adequately resolve the natural variability of oceanic turbulence?
Moum, J. N. & Rippeth, T. P., 1 Meh 2009, Yn: Journal of Marine Systems. 77, 4, t. 409-417Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolyn › Erthygl › adolygiad gan gymheiriaid