Queer tactical diaspora: Reading Caribbean Queer Narratives

Electronic versions


  • Zoran Pecic


Acquiring a wide currency in the 1990s as a term designating non-normative practices and identity formations, queer studies challenged dominant knowledges and social hierarchies of heteronormativity as well as the sexual homogeneity of earlier feminist critique. Whilst acknowledging the impact and efficacy of queer theory, this thesis poses the question: how can queer studies be utilised beyond the borders of Euro-America? More precisely, what happens when we intersect queer studies with postcolonial studies? This thesis argues that by exploring the interstices between the two fields, we are able to create a new field of academic research in which social and cultural meanings of sexuality become the main objects of colonial, historical and literary study. By combining queer and postcolonial studies, this thesis questions the validity of both fields. It exposes and explores their shortcomings by looking at the queer diasporic narratives in and from the Caribbean. Queer, diaspora and nation work as central elements, as the thesis investigates the Western notions of sexual identity and belongingness alongside postcolonial deployments of nation, diaspora and sexuality. The focus of this thesis is on the literary genre of queer diasporic literature; that is, diasporic fictions that propose alternative formulations of home and diaspora. One of the main arguments is that queer diasporic fictions challenge hegemonic formulations and constructions of diasporic identity. Thus, they have the potential of adding to the genre of diasporic narratives a queer take on sexuality as well as the nation. Employing the notion of queer tactical diaspora as a methodology, the thesis moves from one theoretical and geographical Caribbean space to the next, deconstructing the developmental model of nonheterosexuality while combining the movement of sexuality with the developmental passage from one fixed boundary into another. By employing queer tactical diaspora, the thesis investigates how narratives of the Caribbean diaspora queer and displace the Eurocentric deployments of sexuality in postcolonial fiction. Defying firm groundings within either diaspora or queer studies, this work employs a range of theoretical paradigms in order to reach the goal of disrupting the Eurocentric notions of sexual diasporic narratives, By building on the already existing theories of gender and postcolonial studies, this thesis suggests that the method of queer tactical diaspora allows for a more agile and flexible investigation into the workings of normative gender and sexuality in the Caribbean. Queer tactical diaspora adds to the broader theories of postcolonialism and gender studies a new method of analysis.


Iaith wreiddiolSaesneg
Sefydliad dyfarnu
Goruchwylydd / Goruchwylwyr / Cynghorydd
  • Justin Edwards (Goruchwylydd)
Dyddiad dyfarnuIon 2010