Hidlyddion uwch

Pob awdur

  1. The Impact of the Italian Occupation of Cyrenaica with Reference to Benghazi, 1911-1942

    Awdur: Suliaman, A., Ion 2017

    Goruchwylydd: Shapely, P. (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  2. Evaluating the use of evidence-informed learning strategies for improving secondary school students learning in science

    Awdur: Sultana, F., 7 Rhag 2023

    Goruchwylydd: Hughes, J. (Goruchwylydd) & Watkins, R. (Unigolyn allanol) (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  3. Identifying Behavioural and Neural Indices of Sensorimotor Experience Among Young Adults and Adolescents

    Awdur: Sumanapala, J. D., Ion 2017

    Goruchwylydd: Cross, E. (Goruchwylydd) & Koldewyn, K. (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  4. Separation and characterisation of components from agricultural residues by novel methods

    Awdur: Sun, X., 2005

    Goruchwylydd: Baird, M. (Goruchwylydd) & Fowler, P. (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  5. Pliers as parts of the body: a kinematic analysis of visuomotor control in tool use

    Awdur: Suray, P., 25 Tach 2020

    Goruchwylydd: Watt, S. (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  6. Sleep hygiene education and children with developmental disabilities

    Awdur: Sutton, J., 2017

    Goruchwylydd: Huws, J. (Goruchwylydd) & Burton, C. (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  7. The origins and the development of the Japan Assemblies of God: the foreign and Japanese workers and their ministries (1907 to 1975)

    Awdur: Suzuki, M., Ion 2011

    Goruchwylydd: Lewis, P. (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  8. Psychological processes of change in adolescents in a residential treatment setting.

    Awdur: Swales, M. A., Hyd 1996

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth

  9. Studies of the synthesis of Cyclopropanes and Cyclobutenes

    Awdur: Sweesi, M. E. M., Rhag 2006

    Goruchwylydd: Baird, M. (Goruchwylydd)

    Traethawd ymchwil myfyriwr: Doethur mewn Athroniaeth