'You don't know what we're really like' : a profile of young people's values

Electronic versions


  • Anna Halsall


This dissertation draws a portrait of young people's values. Young people are frequently stereotyped in modem society, particularly by the media. This dissertation aims to go some way towards redressing this through providing a portrait of young people's values that has integrity for young people and for the researcher. Young people's values are explored through qualitative and quantitative research methods; through focus groups, and by means of a new instrument for assessing young people's values devised in this study, the Halsall-Francis Values Inventory (HaFVI). This study analyses the responses of 2,973 young people to the HaFVI. This dissertation is divided into two parts. In part one, chapter one presents an overview of the study; its thesis, methodology, and an explanation of the terminology used. Chapters two and three evaluate qualitative and quantitative data already available regarding young people's values. Chapter four presents data from the focus groups. Chapter five describes the way in which the focus group data were utilised in the design of the HaFVI, and the method for the dissemination of the HaFVI. Part two of this dissertation presents a quantitative map of young people's values. Chapter six provides a background profile of the young people, and chapter seven introduces the profile of young people's values. Chapters eight to 25 each focus on an area of the young people's values from the values-map generated in this study, portraying detail regarding the young people's values in each area. The dissertation concludes with a summary of the young people's values, portrayal of factors of significance when considering these values, and discussion of the implications of the findings of this study.


Iaith wreiddiolSaesneg
Sefydliad dyfarnu
  • Bangor University
Goruchwylydd / Goruchwylwyr / Cynghorydd
  • Leslie Francis (Goruchwylydd)
Dyddiad dyfarnuIon 2004