Professional Services
Mullin, Michelle
- Strategy, Projects and Planning - Research Excellence Framework (Ref) Administrator
Person: Support
Pedersen, Ingrid
- Vice Chancellor's Office - Executive Board Office Manager and Corporate Events Officer
Person: Professional
Abbaszadeh, Sahar
- Venues Hospitality and Catering - Catering Assistant
- School of Education
Person: Support
Lam, Wing
- International Education Centre - Executive Dean Bangor College China and Director of International Relations
Person: Professional
Fisher-Jones, Jonathan
- International Education Centre - Deputy Director of International Recruitment
Person: Other
Pye, Jenny
- Welsh 4 Adults - Tiwtor dysgu Cymraeg
- Canolfan Bedwyr - Tiwtor Cymraeg i Staff
Person: Support, Academic
Cunningham-Edge, Leah
- Customer Support - Customer Service and Performance Manager
Person: Professional