Dr Charles Michael Bishop
Reader in Zoology (Avian)

ORCID: 0000-0002-9030-4344
Contact info
Position: Reader in Zoology (Avian)
Email: c.bishop@bangor.ac.uk
Location: Brambell, 4th floor, Room 533
Phone: 2315
Drivers and consequences of individual movement patterns in northern fulmars (Fulmarus glacialis)
Bond, S. (Author), Cordes, L. (Supervisor), Bishop, C. (Supervisor) & Thompson, P. (Supervisor), 25 May 2023Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy
Route navigation in homing pigeons (Columba livia): the use of visual cues over a familiar area.
Stachowski, S. (Author), Holland, R. (Supervisor) & Bishop, C. (Supervisor), 30 Aug 2022Student thesis: Masters by Research