Dr Jonathan Lewis
Lecturer in French and Francophone Studies
Contact info
Email: j.lewis@bangor.ac.uk
Phone: 01248 382119
Office location: Room 449, Main Arts Building
Contact Info
Email: j.lewis@bangor.ac.uk
Phone: 01248 382119
Office location: Room 449, Main Arts Building
I completed a BA in French at the University of Exeter in 2006 and went on to do an MA in Literary Translation and a PhD in French Studies, both also at Exeter, graduating in 2012. Following completion of my doctorate, I worked as a Lecturer at the University of Portsmouth for a year and then as a University Teacher in French at the University of Liverpool for five years. I arrived at Bangor as Lecturer in French and Francophone Studies in the summer of 2018.
My PhD thesis was on themes of conflict and remembrance as represented in literary texts by French writers of Algerian origin. In October 2018, I published a book with University of Wales Press, entitled The Algerian War in French/Algerian Writing: Literary Sites of Memory, which built on my doctoral research. As well as having worked on the theme of memory and representations of war, I have also published on the topics of mobility and immobility and my current research focuses on representations of prisons and incarceration in the francophone world.
My research interests lie in the broad field of Francophone Postcolonial Studies, with a particular focus on literary representation. Having worked extensively on texts authored by French writers of Algerian origin, specifially on representations of the Algerian War of Independence (1954-62) and the way in which the war has been remembered in France, as well as on issues of integration, immigration, mobility and immobility, I have now begun research on prisons and incarceration in the francophone world. This new project encapsulates the history of French penal colonies, such as Guyana and New Caledonia, post-independence dictatorships in the francophone world, and representations of the prison in contemporary France.
I am an active member of the Society for Francophone Postcolonial Studies and a co-founder of the Iles-Monde Francophone Islands Network.
Teaching and Supervision
I teach on and coordinate a wide variety of undergraduate and postgraduate modules, including core French language modules, modules on the history, cultures and society of France and the francophone world, as well as co-taught cross-departmental modules offered in the School of Languages, Literatures and Linguistics. I am also Year Abroad Coordinator for French and I supervise a number of final-year dissertation students, as well as one PhD student.
I currently teach on the following modules:
- French for Beginners (first year)
- Advanced French (first year)
- Creating National Histories (first year)
- Race and Immigration in France (second year)
- French Language Skills and Translation (final year)
- Press Dossier (final year)
- Approaching Translation (final year)
- Research Methods (MA)
- Translation (MA)
Research areas and keywords
- PC Romance languages - French
- PQ Romance literatures - Francophone Literature, French/Algerian Literature
Education / academic qualifications
- 2012 - PhD , Conflict and Remembrance in Franco-Algerian Literature, 1981-1999
- 2008 - MA , Literary Translation
- 2006 - BA , French
Research outputs (15)
- Published
France has a long history of using islands as prisons – and not just in distant colonial outposts
Research output: Contribution to specialist publication › Article
- Published
Colonial Continuities and Decoloniality in the French-Speaking World: From Nostalgia to Resistance
Research output: Book/Report › Book › peer-review
- Published
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › peer-review
Prof. activities and awards (2)
Iles-Monde: Francophone Islands Network
Activity: Other › Types of External academic engagement - Contribution to the work of national or international committees and working groups