An examination of some leading motifs in the prophetic oracles against foreign nations

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  • Gwilym H. Jones


The aim of the study is to trace the background from which the main motifs of the foreign oracles were derived, and to show how they were used, developed and adapted, One group of motif's, which includes the concept of Yahweh as war-leader, descriptions of -the nations’ downfall as defeat in battle, allusions to panic and confusion and the concept of total annihilation, is to be connected with Israel's ancient war-traditions, Such motif's supply the accepted and standard language for pronouncing doom on foreign nations.
The second group of motifs analysed - reasons for punishment, the idea of revenge and wrath, the descent to Sheol, the inability of other gods and the final acknowledgment of Yahweh- shows how both foreign oracles and Psalter introduced a more teleological aspect into material derived from ancient war-traditions, An examination, of Psalms· which refer to enemies provides parallels to foreign oracles in the way they develop ancient war-themes and combine them with other motifs.
The third group of motifs is not as extensive as the previous two and contains such theme as comparison with Sodom and Gomorrah, carrying away into Exile, wailing and lamentation, destruction and accompanying hissing, descriptions of the invader and invaded, and similes and metaphors. When considered in conjunction with the oracular presentation and with evidence of an occasional shift of emphasis due to choice of context, they indicate that the prophets added their own contribution to this traditional material.
An analysis of the Day of Yahweh theme shows that, when examined within the narrower confines of a single concept, the main argument is still valid. Furthermore, it is maintained that the basic ancient war-motifs were not obliterated by mythological colouring introduced in the Exilic period.


Original languageEnglish
    Award dateSept 1970