Caregiving and employment : a qualitative study of carers of people with dementia

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Grounded in the day-to-day experiences of family carers, this thesis considers the complex, interactive processes of caregiving and employment. Underpinned by the transactional model of stress and coping, it addresses the importance carers attach to employment, how they set about coping with their various commitments, the decision to leave employment to care for a dependent relative and the difficulties of returning to employment following a prolonged period of caregiving. Adopting a qualitative perspective, important insights into carers' struggles, aspirations and achievements are offered. Profiling the changing nature of carers' circumstances and support requirements, the thesis highlights some of the complex organisational issues involved in family caregiving and a temporal model depicts how carers' experiences unfold over time. A number of policy and practice issues are raised and a series of practical suggestions to support employed caregivers are made.


Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Gordon Grant (Supervisor)
Award dateSept 1998