Men of a thousand days : death-sentenced inmates at Utah State Prison

Electronic versions


  • Sandra McGunigall- Smith

    Research areas

  • PhD, School of Social Sciences


Studies of the pains of confinement and coping techniques have ignored the experiences of death-sentenced inmates, particularly those in the USA housed under the punitive regimes of supermax facilities. This research is a qualitative, minilongitudinal study carried out between 1997 and 2001 which examines the particular pains of confinement for inmates in the supermax facility of Utah State Prison and how they coped with life under the sentence of death. The findings suggest that these inmates experienced different pains and utilized different coping techniques than those described in prisons literature.


Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Bangor University
  • R.D. King (External person) (Supervisor)
Thesis sponsors
  • ESRC
Award dateJan 2005