Mitigating the impacts of intensive agriculture on lowland organic soils

Electronic versions


  • Samuel Musarika

    Research areas

  • PhD, Peatland, Greenhouse Gas, Carbon dioxide, Methane, Climate Change, Global Warming, Mitigation, Agriculture, Sustainability, Water Table, Nitrous Oxide, Organic Soil, Lowland Peat


As the global climate faces immense pressure because of anthropogenic activity, questions have arisen regarding how to minimise the impact of anthropogenic forcing on the climate system. Global greenhouse gases (GHG) are created by a variety of sources, e.g., transport, industry, and agriculture. While we can innovate or make improvements to different industries and the transport sector to reduce the amount of GHG they produce e.g., using electric vehicles, reducing GHG emissions from agriculture is challenging as it risks creating food security issues, especially with some of the mitigation measures that would require land to be taken out of agricultural production. The need to find reliable ways to reduce GHGs without damaging food security is made more pressing by global population growth which means that more food needs to be produced with finite resources. Land required for arable agriculture will increase with population growth and increased food demand. Countries in the northern hemisphere, such as the UK, produce substantial amounts of food from cultivated peatlands. Consequently, these peatlands have lost their carbon storage capacity and if current practices persist, they will be lost entirely in under one hundred years. To preserve cultivated peatlands or at least slow down their degradation, this thesis examines a range of potential mitigation measures which could address the loss of cultivated peatlands. First, the use of fresh organic matter was investigated, finding that this shows potential, especially, if applied in conjunction with an elevated water table. Secondly, it observed the long-term effects of fresh organic matter to assess if there any negative effects occur in the long term. Further, this study looked at the effects of iron chloride, iron sulphate and calcium sulphate on GHG fluxes in cultivated peatlands. It shows that these can potentially be beneficial to peatland preservation, but that they have limitations and potential drawbacks e.g., there is a risk of making the soil acidic, and build-up of sulphides in the soil which can get re-oxidised when the soil is drained can lead to the release of sulphuric acid. What the results in this thesis confirm is that there is no single solution to the issue of preserving peatlands whilst producing enough food to satisfy the projected population. There are some benefits to the mitigation measures, but they do have associated drawbacks which bring their feasibility into question. Stakeholders will need to explore this mitigation measure further, especially on a large scale as the results might not mirror what the controlled mesocosm showed.


Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Chris D. Evans (External person) (Supervisor)
  • David Jones (Supervisor)
  • Dave Chadwick (Supervisor)
  • Niall McNamara (External person) (Supervisor)
Thesis sponsors
  • UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Bangor
  • Natural Environment Research Council (NERC)
  • Soils Training And Research Studentships Centre for Doctoral Training
Award date21 Nov 2022