Pentecostal Perspectives on Social Justice: Rationale, Form and Practice. A Dialogue with Jürgen Moltmann.

Electronic versions


  • Thomas Kurt

    Research areas

  • Jürgen Moltmann, eschatology Pentecostalism, Social justice, PhD, pentecostal theology, Pneumatology, Hope, Woman, Pacifism, Encounter, Poverty, Social ethics, Identity, Segregation, Suffering, Ruach, Mission, Walter Hollenweger, Amos Yong, Liasa Stephenson, Samuel Solivan, James Cone, Leonhard Ragaz, Matthias Wenk, Gustavo Gutierrez


This thesis outlines a pneumatological and eschatological rational for a Pentecostal perspective on social justice, as well as its form and significance in practice. In order to do so, four repre-sentative voices from within Pentecostalism shall be analysed in regard to their contribution to-wards a pneumatological and eschatological rational of social justice (Matthias Wenk, male, Eu-ropean; Lisa Stephenson, female, North-American; Samuel Solivan, male South-American; Amos Yong, male, Asian). Afterwards these voices are brought into dialogue Jürgen Moltmann and his rational for a pneumatological and eschatological rational of social justice. Moltmann has been chosen because he, more than others, pointed out explicitly the need for a greater emphasis on the Spirit and eschatology when discussing social justice. At the end the contours of a pneu-matological and eschatological rational for social justice shall be outlined, with a special em-phasis on identity rather than action as its starting point. It is only thereafter that resulting con-clusions for application in practice will be deduced.


Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Frank D. Macchia (External person) (Supervisor)
Award date13 Feb 2024