Properties of Nanocrystalline Thin Films of Metal and Metal Alloys Obtained at the Oil – Water Interface

Electronic versions


  • Sean. N. Baxter

    Research areas

  • Nanocrystals, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Chemistry, Nanoparticles, Nanofilms, Catalysis, Conductivity, Antibacterial Surfaces


Thin films of metal and metal alloy nanocrystals have been prepared at the toluene–water interface. These self assembled thin films have been transferred to glass, polystyrene and PTFE substrates. The films have then been subjected to charge transport, catalysis and antibacterial studies. Studies showed manipulation of the gold:silver ratio of alloy films resulted in tuneable charge transport and catalytic characteristics. Antibacterial studies have also been used to demonstrate the activity of silver nanocrystal films on gram–negative bacteria.

Mae ffilmiau tenau o nanocristalau metel a metel aloi wedi’u paratoi ar y rhyngwyneb tolwen – dwˆ r. Mae’r ffilmiau tenau hunan-ymgynnull hyn wedi’u trosglwyddo i swbstradau gwydr, polystyren a PTFE. Mae’r ffilmiau wedyn wedi bod yn destun trafnidiaeth wefru, catalysis ac astudiaethau gwrthfacterol. Dangosodd astudiaethau fod trin y gymhareb aur:arian o ffilmiau aloi wedi arwain at gludiant gwefr tiwnadwy a nodweddion catalytig. Mae astudiaethau
gwrthfacterol hefyd wedi’u defnyddio i ddangos gweithgaredd ffilmiau nanocrystal arian ar facteria gram–negyddol.


Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
Award date1 Sept 2023