Some factors in movement schema development

Electronic versions


  • David E. Hooper


The thesis examines certain sources of influence on motor schema development. An extensive review of the background theorising and empirical grounds for current concepts of schema memory identifies a number of factors purported to be involved in schema development. These factors are conveniently divided into two groups: (i) practice-related factors more readily open to short-term manipula-tions (including the amount of variability and the size of a block; the context of the practice organisation; the distinction between recall and recognition schemas; and performance versus learning considerations) and (ii) inter-related factors which are less prone to short-term manipula-tions in that they relate to problems of subject or task constraint (including task complexity; the level of learning of the performer; age and differing strategies; and experience). Three empirical studies are reported including both a field study (a modified golf-putting task), and two laboratory studies (using an adapted version of Lee and Magill's (1985) knock-down barrier task). The results provide so me support for the primary hypothesis of a Complexity by Variability interac tion. There is strong evidence that the complexity manipulations generated main effects w hich mirrored the suc-cessful manipulations of variability of practice. The data represents an important step towards the inclusion of a whole set of factors within the overall construct of transfer arising from variability. Three potential areas of investigation are highlighted. These are: i) the proximal/distal arguments for transfer; ii) the examination of other factors as independent but possibly confounding so urces of effects and iii) the possible extension of Schema Theory from the orientation and develop-ment of the motor schema to include the issue of learning and how to learn.


Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • John Fazey (Supervisor)
Award date1992