The Examination of Selected Physiological and Psychological Parameters in the Preparation of Elite Slalom Canoeists for an Olympic Competition

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  • H.I.P Mantle


The study examined the physiological and psychological changes taking place over a whole year identifying whether any relationship existed between these parameters and international performance. Quantitative and qualitative methods were utilised. Six subjects undertook 2-minute canoe ergometer sprint and Wingate laboratory tests. Questionnaires completed included a CSAI-2 (Martens 1990) before every international event including an Olympic Games and the SPSQ (Nelson & Hardy 1990). Qualitative data contained personal construct profiles, clinical interviews and case hi stories of the psychological interventions. Analyses of the data revealed significant improvements over a year in peak power, minimum power, total work and distance as measured by the Wingate test. There was deterioration in peak V02 and recovery V02 (MAOD)but these were not significant. No significant relationship was found between the laboratory physiological tests, volume of training and international performance. Significant relationships emerged between volume of training and some laboratory tests, particularly strength training . There were no statistically significant predictions, for the group as a whole, shown using the CSAI-2 sub-components of cognitive anxiety and confidence with international performance and of any interactive effects of these components . There was some weak evidence of prediction between somatic anxiety and performance. Statistical evidence did not support Hanin' s (1980) Zone of Optimal Functioning in relation to the subjects' measures on the sub-components of the CSAI-2. Performance was not improved when subjects were in the zone; slalomists performed better when outside the zone. The CSAI-2 indicated that th ese slalomists showed exceptionally high levels of confidence prior to competition. However, th e case studies and clinical interviews indicated that anxiety was present. Analysis revealed the most important factors identified by the subjects for success at elite level were motivation, confidence, relaxation and determination. The range of problems experienced by subjects reinforces the necessity for individual interventions. Monitored, psychological interv entions, had varying degrees of success.


Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
    Award date1998