Toward a pentecostal eschatology: discerning the way forward

Electronic versions


  • Larry Randal McQueen


This thesis explores the topic of eschatology from the perspective of the Pentecostal tradition. Growing out of the need to articulate a Pentecostal eschatology that is consistent with the theological beliefs, spiritual experience, and hermeneutical insights of the movement, this study provides an interdisciplinary approach to the subject, integrating historical, biblical, and theological studies. After providing a comprehensive review of the current state of Pentecostal eschatology, the study explores the periodical literature of the earliest years of the movement, understanding this period to be the heart or originating source of the tradition. Drawing upon in sights gained from this exploration, the boundaries for discerning a contemporary Pentecostal eschatology are established and a constructive, biblical-theological contribution to this subject is offered, framed around the naintive testimony of the fivefold gospel that emerges from the heart of the tradition.


Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • Bangor University
Award date2011