Energy and Farm Diversification Show


20 Gorff 2023

Digwyddiad (Arddangosfa)

TeitlIreland's leading event for rural entrepreneurs to diversify into energy, food and agri-tourism: The one day show incorporates a large trade exhibitor showcase, outdoor practical demonstrations, networking opportunities with industry experts and an extensive talks programme. The talks, which include several first-hand accounts from farmers, are split into three distinct streams: Energy in Agriculture, Smart Climate Land Use and Farm Business Diversification.
Cyfnod20/07/23 → …
Cyfeiriad gwe (URL)
LleoliadGurteen College, Ballingarry, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary, E53 TP93.
Graddau amlygrwyddDigwyddiad rhyngwladol

Digwyddiad (Arddangosfa)

TeitlIreland's leading event for rural entrepreneurs to diversify into energy, food and agri-tourism: The one day show incorporates a large trade exhibitor showcase, outdoor practical demonstrations, networking opportunities with industry experts and an extensive talks programme. The talks, which include several first-hand accounts from farmers, are split into three distinct streams: Energy in Agriculture, Smart Climate Land Use and Farm Business Diversification.
Dyddiad20/07/23 → …
LleoliadGurteen College, Ballingarry, Roscrea, Co. Tipperary, E53 TP93.
AmlygrwyddDigwyddiad rhyngwladol