Dr Andrew Cooke

Darlithydd mewn Seicoleg Chwaraeon

Contact info

Location: Room G302.1, George Building, School of Sport Health & Exercise Sciences

Email: a.m.cooke@bangor.ac.uk

Bio: I am a lecturer conducting research in Psychophysiology, Sport Psychology and Skill Acquisition. I am particularly interested in understanding the mechanisms that underpin human performance, and psychophysiological interventions to enhance performance (e.g., brain training). I work with a number of high-profile organisations in sport, business and health. I am a member of the Institute for the Psychology of Elite Performance (IPEP) and lead the Psychophysiology of Performance Laboratory (POP-Lab).

IPEP webpage: http://ipep.bangor.ac.uk/

POP-Lab webpage: https://sites.google.com/view/pop-lab/home

Trefnu yn ôl: Dyddiad
  1. BBC Mental Muscle Podcast - How do you win the egg and spoon race?

    Andrew Cooke


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    Y Wasg / Cyfryngau: Sylw Arbennigol

  2. BBC Mental Muscle Podcast - How can brain waves improve your golf putt?

    Andrew Cooke


    1 Cyfraniad cyfryngau

    Y Wasg / Cyfryngau: Sylw Arbennigol

  3. Ryder Cup 2023: How putting can be improved by controlling brainwaves

    Andrew Cooke


    1 eitem o Sylw ar y cyfryngau

    Y Wasg / Cyfryngau: Sylw Arbennigol