Dr Catherine Lawrence
Mentor Arbenigol, Swyddog Ymchwil (Economeg Iechyd)
Contact info
Specialist Mentor (part-time)
Student Services, Disability Service, Rathbone, Bangor University, Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 2TF
Manylion Cyswllt
Specialist Mentor (part-time)
Student Services, Disability Service, Rathbone, Bangor University, Bangor, Gwynedd LL57 2TF
Catherine is a part-time Research Officer in Health Economics at the Centre for Health Economics and Medicines Evaluation (CHEME). She completed her BSc and MSc in Psychology at Lancaster University, and then went on to undertake her doctoral research at Loughborough University examining the longitudinal impact of chemotherapy for breast cancer on cognitive, psychosocial and safety outcomes in the home and workplace.
Catherine spent a year working with the Judgment and Decision Making Research Group at the University of Leicester, undertaking experiments on Stackelberg reasoning, Centipede games, the Prisoner’s Dilemma, and the qualitative analysis of reasoning in games. She then worked for 4.5 years at the Centre for Research in Ageing and Cognitive Health (REACH) at Bangor University (now based at the University of Exeter), working on a multi-centre randomised controlled trial examining the clinical and cost-effectiveness of goal-oriented cognitive rehabilitation for people with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease or vascular or mixed dementia, and their carers (GREAT trial). Following this, she worked on a pilot feasibility study examining the effectiveness of home-based “brain training” using EEG neurofeedback as a non-pharmacological treatment for motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease (ENact-PD study).
Alongside her research work, Catherine is a mentor to University students who experience physical and mental health difficulties. She holds the ILM Level 7 qualification in Executive Coaching and Mentoring and is part of the staff network of coaches and mentors at the University.
Catherine is a qualified massage therapist and is currently studying sports massage.
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Dying Well
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Effects of Home-Based EEG Neurofeedback Training as a Non-Pharmacological Intervention for Parkinson’s Disease
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