Professor Peter Robins
Ahro mewn Eigioneg Ffisegol

Contact info
Office location: Room 115, Marine Centre Wales, Menai Bridge
(Tel: 01248 383961)
Author profiles: Google Scholar | Researchgate
I'm a Professor in Physical Oceanography at the School of Ocean Sciences. I gained my Degree in Mathematics and Physical Oceanography (2003) and Ph.D on internal tides (2008) from Bangor University. I'm interested in a wide range of human and biological impacts of coastal dynamics and change, with applications to coastal hazards (coastal flooding, water quality degradation, pollution and public health risk), coastal morphology, marine population dynamics and connectivity, and marine renewable energy resource and impact studies.
My research generally involves developing hydrodynamic models that simulate coastal processes, such as realistic representations of the past, future climate change impact studies, or hypothetical scenarios such as simulating flood mitigation, the impact of tidal-stream turbines on sediment transport, or marine population spread via larval dispersal. I'm especially interested in estuaries because of the multiple complex estuarine processes that affect communities and wildlife - and as there is still much to discover, with current research focussing on improving our understanding of compound flooding and public exposure to water-borne pathogens. I enjoy working with a wide range of scientists across different disciplines, with climate modellers to ensure their projections are relevant for coastal impact, and with coastal policy makers so that our research has real world outcomes.
#NNF2 Project SIARC (Sharks Inspiring Action and Research with Communities) Phase 2
Robins, P. (PY)
1/04/23 → 30/04/26
Project: Ymchwil
Ankita Bhattacharya - BSG budget on top of NERC ENVISION 2 studentship
Robins, P. (PY)
1/10/22 → 30/04/26
Project: Ymchwil
Combination flood risk from surge, tidal and rainfall
Robins, P. (PY)
1/11/17 → 1/08/19
Project: Ymchwil
Development of morphodynamic models of Welsh estuaries
Robins, P. (PY)
1/11/12 → 31/07/13
Project: Ymchwil
Identifying climate change risks to water quality across English estuaries
Robins, P. (PY)
1/04/24 → 15/04/25
Project: Ymchwil
Investigating the Effect of Marine Plastic Waste on the Adaptive Resilience of Coastal Communities in Indonesia
Robins, P. (PY)
1/04/21 → 1/08/22
Project: Ymchwil
Marine Evidence Framework Agreement: Welsh Lobster Larval Dispersal Model, 2023 – Contract Ref:LMI2023 (Lead FEC 008545)
Robins, P. (PY)
1/02/23 → 12/08/24
Project: Ymchwil
Pathways to Realistic Impact Modelling in Estuarine Areas (PRIMEA)
Robins, P. (PY)
1/10/20 → 31/10/24
Project: Ymchwil
SEARCH: Sensitivity of Estuaries to Climate Hazards (SEARCH)
Robins, P. (PY)
10/08/20 → 30/09/23
Project: Ymchwil
There and back again: monitoring the returning fish to the Mersey estuary
Robins, P. (PY)
1/10/21 → 30/04/25
Project: Ymchwil
Virus Vectors: Investigating the attachment of pathogens to suspended materials and their fate through the river-estuary-coastal continuum
Robins, P. (PY)
1/01/25 → 15/01/27
Project: Ymchwil