An external focus enhances performance: is it as black and white as we think?

Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddPapuradolygiad gan gymheiriaid

  • Vicky Gottwald
  • Robin Owen
    School of Health and Sport Sciences, Liverpool Hope University
  • Henrik Herrebroden
    Kristiania University College
  • Kevin Becker
    University of Tennessee
  • David Marchant
    Edge Hill University, Lancashire, UK
  • Thomas Simpson
    Edge Hill University, Lancashire, UK
Coaching instruction is one of the most effective methods of supporting athletes to learn, refine, and perform motor skills effectively. Whilst there is robust support for instructions that induce an external focus of attention, more recent research directions have begun to explore some of the outliers in the field. Suggested anomalies have included: situations where a salient external focus is absent or impractical, sports such as artistic gymnastics where proprioceptive information is important for task success and subsequently more congruent with an internal focus of attention, or situations where skill refinement or re-learning of a motor skill may be required. The purpose of the present symposium is to address some of the nuances and complexities of effective instruction, propose guidance for practitioners, and stimulate discussion for potential new directions within the focus of attention knowledge base.
Iaith wreiddiolSaesneg
StatwsCyhoeddwyd - 16 Gorff 2024
DigwyddiadFEPSAC Congress 2024 - European Congress of Sport and Exercise Psychology - Congress Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Awstria
Hyd: 15 Gorff 202419 Gorff 2024


CynhadleddFEPSAC Congress 2024 - European Congress of Sport and Exercise Psychology
Teitl crynoFEPSAC Congress 24
Cyfeiriad rhyngrwyd
Gweld graff cysylltiadau