Do investors care about corporate environmental responsibility engagement?

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  • Do_investors_care_about_corporate_environmental_responsibility_engagement

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  • Khaldoon Albitar
    University of Portsmouth
  • Siming Liu
    University of International Business and Economics, Beijing
  • Khaled Hussainey
    University of Portsmouth
  • Gaoke Liao
    Guangzhou University
We aim to investigate the effect of corporate environmental responsibility (CER) engagement on investors' reactions. We also explore heterogeneity of this impact among different types of companies and different company's market performance. We use panel data models and quantile regression based on data related to firms listed on the A-share China security market and the final sample consists of 3,776 firm-year observations. The results show that CER engagement has a significant positive impact on investors' investment decisions. Further, investors are more sensitive to CER engagement of high energy-consumption companies and no matter the company is a state-owned or a non-state-owned, CER engagement has a significant positive impact on investors' reactions. CER engagement has a significant positive impact on investors' reactions in all quantiles except one and the promoting effect increases first and then decreases with the growth of corporate market value from lower to upper quantiles.
Iaith wreiddiolSaesneg
CyfnodolynInternational Journal of Business Governance and Ethics
Rhif y cyfnodolyn4
Dyddiad ar-lein cynnar16 Mai 2023
Dynodwyr Gwrthrych Digidol (DOIs)
StatwsCyhoeddwyd - 11 Gorff 2023
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