Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) of James Latham Accoya® Cladding uncoated

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This Lifecycle Assessment (LCA) evaluates the environmental impact of Lathams uncoated Accoya cladding from a cradle-to-gate perspective, covering raw material extraction, transportation, manufacturing, and packaging. The study follows the EN 15804: 2012 + A2: 2019 and PCR 2019:14 v1.3.3 standards to ensure consistency and comparability with other Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs). The assessment incorporates primary production data from Lathams and accounts for resource use, waste generation, and energy consumption throughout the manufacturing process.

The findings indicate that the production of 1m² of uncoated Accoya cladding results in 20.23 kg of CO₂e emissions, which is significantly reduced to 6.65 kg CO₂e when biogenic carbon uptake is factored in. The primary environmental hotspot is the Accoya wood itself due to the material requirements and the associated waste generated during processing. While transportation and energy use contribute to the overall impact, they play a relatively minor role in comparison. The analysis highlights that optimising material efficiency and reducing wood waste during production would have the greatest potential for minimising the product’s environmental footprint. These insights provide valuable information for customers and stakeholders seeking sustainable cladding solutions.


Iaith wreiddiolSaesneg
Cyfrwng allbwnEnvironmental Product Declaration (EPD)
CyhoeddwrThe International EPD System (IES)
Nifer y tudalennau13
StatwsCyhoeddwyd - 30 Ebr 2024
Gweld graff cysylltiadau