• J. Noyes
  • A. Williams
  • L.H. Spencer
  • D. Edwards
  • G. Williams
  • I. Russell
  • J. Rycroft-Malone
  • L. Lowes
  • J. Gregory
  • P. Brocklehurst
  • D. Allen
  • C. Carter
  • M. Lewis
  • J. Sharpe
  • J. Jackson
  • R.T. Edwards
  • R. Whitaker
  • M. Samuels
Iaith wreiddiolSaesneg
StatwsCyhoeddwyd - 4 Rhag 2008
Digwyddiad‘It’s all in the mix’ second annual conference. Building Evidence for Health Care: Mixing Methods in Trials. 4th December 2008, Dylan Thomas Centre, Swansea. -
Hyd: 3 Ion 0001 → …


Cynhadledd‘It’s all in the mix’ second annual conference. Building Evidence for Health Care: Mixing Methods in Trials. 4th December 2008, Dylan Thomas Centre, Swansea.
Cyfnod3/01/01 → …
Gweld graff cysylltiadau