• Alessio Reghezza
  • Ernest Dautovic
    European Central Bank
  • Aurea Ponte Marques
    European Central Bank
  • Costanza Rodríguez d’Acri
    European Central Bank
  • Diego Vila
    European Central Bank
  • Nadya Wildmann
    European Central Bank
This article studies the impact of the ECB’s dividend distribution recommendations on banks’ lending and loss-absorption capacity during the COVID-19 crisis. It finds that the policy has been effective in mitigating the potential procyclical adjustment of banks. Banks that did not distribute previously planned dividends increased their lending by around 2.4% and their provisions by approximately 5.5%, thus strengthening their capacity to absorb losses. Notably, the recommendations appear to have mitigated the procyclical behaviour of banks closer to the threshold for automatic restrictions on distributions. Overall, the recommendations were successful in conserving capital and helping the banking system support the real economy and facilitate the recognition of future losses.
Iaith wreiddiolSaesneg
CyhoeddwrEuropean Central Bank
StatwsCyhoeddwyd - Meh 2021
Gweld graff cysylltiadau