Mechanisms underpinning sympathoexcitation in hypoxia

Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygl adolyguadolygiad gan gymheiriaid

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  • Lydia Simpson
    University of Innsbruck
  • Mike Stembridge
    Cardiff Metropolitan University
  • Siebenmann Christoph
    Institute of Mountain Emergency Medicine, EURAC Research, Bolzano
  • Jonathan Moore
  • Justin Lawley
    University of Innsbruck
Sympathoexcitation is a hallmark of hypoxic exposure, occurring acutely, as well as persisting in acclimatised lowland populations and with generational exposure in highland native populations of the Andean and Tibetan plateaus. The mechanisms mediating altitude sympathoexcitation are multifactorial, involving alterations in both peripheral autonomic reflexes and central neural pathways, and are dependent on the duration of exposure. Initially, hypoxia-induced sympathoexcitation appears to be an adaptive response, primarily mediated by regulatory reflex mechanisms concerned with preserving systemic and cerebral tissue O delivery and maintaining arterial blood pressure. However, as exposure continues, sympathoexcitation is further augmented above that observed with acute exposure, despite acclimatisation processes that restore arterial oxygen content ( ). Under these conditions, sympathoexcitation may become maladaptive, giving rise to reduced vascular reactivity and mildly elevated blood pressure. Importantly, current evidence indicates the peripheral chemoreflex does not play a significant role in the augmentation of sympathoexcitation during altitude acclimatisation, although methodological limitations may underestimate its true contribution. Instead, processes that provide no obvious survival benefit in hypoxia appear to contribute, including elevated pulmonary arterial pressure. Nocturnal periodic breathing is also a potential mechanism contributing to altitude sympathoexcitation, although experimental studies are required. Despite recent advancements within the field, several areas remain unexplored, including the mechanisms responsible for the apparent normalisation of muscle sympathetic nerve activity during intermediate hypoxic exposures, the mechanisms accounting for persistent sympathoexcitation following descent from altitude and consideration of whether there are sex-based differences in sympathetic regulation at altitude. [Abstract copyright: © 2024 The Authors. The Journal of Physiology published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of The Physiological Society.]


Iaith wreiddiolSaesneg
CyfnodolynJournal of Physiology
Dyddiad ar-lein cynnar27 Maw 2024
Dynodwyr Gwrthrych Digidol (DOIs)
StatwsE-gyhoeddi cyn argraffu - 27 Maw 2024

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