• J. Mark G. Williams
    University of Oxford
  • Melanie Fennell
    University of Oxford
  • Thorsten Barnhofer
  • Rebecca Crane
  • Sarah Silverton
Grounded in extensive research and clinical experience, this book describes how to adapt mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT) for participants who struggle with recurrent suicidal thoughts and impulses. Relevant to all mindfulness teachers, a comprehensive framework is presented for understanding suicidality and its underlying vulnerabilities. The preliminary intake interview and each of the eight group mindfulness sessions of MBCT are discussed in detail, highlighting issues that need to be taken into account with highly vulnerable people. Assessment guidelines are provided and strategies for safely teaching core mindfulness practices are illustrated with extensive case examples. The book also discusses how to develop the required mindfulness teacher skills and competencies.
Iaith wreiddiolSaesneg
CyhoeddwrGuildford Press
ISBN (Argraffiad)9781462521821
StatwsCyhoeddwyd - 1 Awst 2015
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