Mode Coupling Effects in Ring-Core Fibres for Space-Division Multiplexing Systems

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  • Xianqing Jin
    University of Oxford
  • A. Gomez
    University of Oxford
  • K. Shi
    University College London
  • B.C. Thomsen
    University College London
  • F. Feng
    University of Cambridge
  • G. S. D. Gordon
    University of Cambridge
  • T. D. Wilkinson
    University of Cambridge
  • Y. Jung
    University of Southampton
  • Q. Kang
    University of Southampton
  • P. Barua
    University of Southampton
  • J. K. Sahu
    University of Southampton
  • S. Alam
    University of Southampton
  • D. J. Richardson
    University of Southampton
  • D.C. O'Brien
    University of Oxford
  • F.P. Payne
    University of Oxford
An optical fiber with weak mode coupling is desirable for future ultrahigh capacity space-division multiplexing (SDM) systems because mode coupling in an optical fiber results in extrinsic loss of the fiber and crosstalk between guided optical modes. To study the feasibility of a ring-core fiber (RCF) for SDM systems, in this paper, we investigate the mode coupling in the RCF supporting five or seven guided mode groups (MGs) at a wavelength of 1550 nm. For this purpose, the coupled mode/power theory with identified spatial power spectrum of random perturbations of fiber axis is used to estimate the bend loss/crosstalk of the RCF due to microbending. It is shown that based on the identified parameters for the spatial power spectrum in the 5/7-MG RCF, the estimated bend loss/crosstalk of the RCF agrees well with experimental results. In addition, the impact of the gradient parameter α and refractive index contrast Δ of the fiber refractive index profile on bend loss and crosstalk of the RCF is explored. Simulation results indicate that the Δ instead of the α significantly affects bend loss and crosstalk of the RCF. The magnitude improvement in bend loss by increasing the Δ is dependent on the spatial power spectrum.
Iaith wreiddiolSaesneg
Tudalennau (o-i)3365 - 3372
CyfnodolynJournal of Lightwave Technology
Rhif y cyfnodolyn14
Dyddiad ar-lein cynnar9 Mai 2016
Dynodwyr Gwrthrych Digidol (DOIs)
StatwsCyhoeddwyd - 15 Gorff 2016
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