Modelling Long Memory in Volatility of Oil Futures Returns

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  • 14MR38Sa.26783049

    Fersiwn derfynol wedi’i chyhoeddi, 572 KB, dogfen-PDF

  • Saada Abba
    Kano University of Science, Nigeria
  • Zahid Muhammad
    University of Dammam
  • Reza Kouhy
    Abertay University
This paper examines long memory in the West Texas Intermediate (WTI) and Brent crude oil futures markets using the GARCH-class models. The results provide strong evidence of long term dependence in returns for both markets at different maturities. Also, the presence of asymmetric leverage effect was detected in the oil futures prices for all markets. The findings suggest that the two oil futures markets have similar pattern in their returns volatility at different maturities which violates the market efficient hypothesis
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