Fersiynau electronig


  • Bioresource Manuscript revised18-3-2024

    Llawysgrif a gyflwynwyd, 86.6 KB, dogfen-Word

Dangosydd eitem ddigidol (DOI)

  • Darren Warren-Walker
    Aberystwyth University
  • Sreenivas Rao Ravella
    Aberystwyth University
  • Joe Gallagher
    Aberystwyth University
  • Ana Winters
    Aberystwyth University
  • Adam Charlton
  • David N. Bryant
    Aberystwyth University
The first comparative pre-treatment study of Miscanthus (Mxg) and sugarcane bagasse (SCB) using steam explosion (SE) and pressurised disc refining (PDR) pretreatment to optimise xylose and xylo-oligosaccharide release is described. The current investigation aimed to 1) Develop optimised batch-wise steam explosion parameters for Mxg and SCB, 2) Scale from static batch steam explosion to dynamic continuous pressurised disc refining, 3) Identify, understand, and circumvent scale-up production hurdles.

Optimised SE parameters released 82% (Mxg) and 100% (SCB) of the available xylan. Scaling to PDR, Miscanthus yielded 85% xylan, highlighting how robust scouting assessments for boundary process parameters can result in successful technical transfer. In contrast, SCB technical transfer was not straightforward, with significant differences observed between the two processes, 100% (SE) and 58% (PDR).

This report underlines the importance of feedstock-specific pretreatment strategies to underpin process development, scale-up, and optimisation of carbohydrate release from biomass.


Iaith wreiddiolSaesneg
Rhif yr erthygl130932
CyfnodolynBioresource Technology
Dyddiad ar-lein cynnar3 Meh 2024
Dynodwyr Gwrthrych Digidol (DOIs)
StatwsE-gyhoeddi cyn argraffu - 3 Meh 2024
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