Reducing plastic Waste

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  • POST-PN-0724

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Plastics are versatile and inexpensive, and are used widely across different
sectors. However, the resulting plastic pollution may pose risks to human,
animal and environmental health globally.
• In March 2022, United Nations Member States agreed to develop an
international legally binding agreement to end plastic pollution by 2024. The
UK governments set out ambitious plastic waste plans in 2020 and 2023.
However, these may need to change if the UN targets are to be achieved.
• The UK’s plastic waste management system is complex. Challenges include
the contamination of plastic waste streams, inconsistent waste management
strategies, and inadequate reprocessing infrastructure. The design of
products containing plastics also pose further challenges to recycling.
• A circular economy for plastics aims to promote design for plastic re-use and
recycling and to minimise waste. However, achieving this this would require
a whole systems approach including wide range of policy interventions and
other changes in society. For example, this may include changes in the
design of plastic products to enhance their recyclability, implementation of
environmental product policies to manage plastic lifecycle impacts, and
Plastic Packaging Tax reforms. A revised Extended Producer Responsibility
(EPR) scheme for packaging is due to be implemented in 2025
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CyhoeddwrUK Parliament
Nifer y tudalennau26
StatwsCyhoeddwyd - 31 Gorff 2024
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