Schein und Sein des Rechts in Film und Fernsehen

Allbwn ymchwil: Pennod mewn Llyfr/Adroddiad/Trafodion CynhadleddPennod

Films and television series are important for an understanding of legal culture. They are one of the sources feeding knowledge and opinion on law. If a summary is drawn from the forms and content used by film and later television to portray law, it is that in the main, a classic liberal view on law is suggested. In a final analysis, they invite people to trust legal institutions. The conservative element is accompanied by a media logic that is driving at the audience accepting incremental change. The audience prefers a variation of the known patterns and the makers of law-related media products also often harbor an artitistic or political amibition. The example of international, especially US, productions has to be added to this.


Cyfieithiad o deitl y cyfraniadSeeming and Being of Law in Film and Television
Iaith wreiddiolAlmaeneg
TeitlRechtsästhetik in rechtsphilosophischer Absicht
GolygyddionEva Schünemann, Levno von Plato
Man cyhoeddiBaden-Baden
CyhoeddwrNomos Verlagsgesellschaft
ISBN (Argraffiad)9783848767748
StatwsCyhoeddwyd - 24 Medi 2020

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