Simulating the dispersal of marine plastic during Super Typhoon Rai

Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gynhadleddMurlen

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Extreme weather events, such as tropical cyclones, have the potential to redistribute large volumes of marine plastic. Despite their potential implications for global plastic distribution, the role of tropical cyclones in marine plastic transport has not been characterised. To address this, we simulate storm-induced plastic transport pathways around the Philippines during Super Typhoon Rai – known in the Philippines as Super Typhoon Odette. Forcing conditions for a Lagrangian particle tracking model (OpenDrift) are provided using TELEMAC-3D combined with customised atmospheric conditions. Our particle tracking methodology considers transport due to surface currents (driven by wind, tides and density gradients), Stokes drift and direct wind action. We find that Super Typhoon Rai triples the mean plastic transport speed (from ~0.1 to ~0.4 m/s), whilst reducing the average distance from the coastline (increasing onshore transport). Eastward facing coastlines experience the highest beaching rates, owing to Super Typhoon Rai’s direction of travel (east to west). On a global scale, we reveal that tropical cyclones are a mechanism for significant marine plastic transport, and we identify specific regions in the Philippines that are susceptible to plastic accumulation.
Iaith wreiddiolSaesneg
StatwsCyhoeddwyd - 9 Hyd 2024
DigwyddiadTELEMAC User Conference - Chamberey , Ffrainc
Hyd: 8 Hyd 202410 Hyd 2024


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