SuperNANO: Enabling Nanoscale Laser Anti-Counterfeiting Marking and Precision Cutting with Super-Resolution Imaging

Allbwn ymchwil: Cyfraniad at gyfnodolynErthygladolygiad gan gymheiriaid

Fersiynau electronig


In this paper, we present a unique multi-functional super-resolution instrument, the Super- NANO system, which integrates real-time super-resolution imaging with direct laser nanofabrication capabilities. Central to the functionality of the SuperNANO system is its capacity for simultaneous nanoimaging and nanopatterning, enabling the creation of anti-counterfeiting markings and precision cutting with exceptional accuracy. The SuperNANO system, featuring a unibody superlens objective, achieves a resolution ranging from 50 to 320 nm. We showcase the instrument’s versatility through its application in generating high-security anti-counterfeiting features on an aluminum film. These ‘invisible’ security features, which are nanoscale in dimension, can be crafted with arbitrary shapes at designated locations. Moreover, the system’s precision is further evidenced by its ability to cut silver nanowires to a minimum width of 50 nm. The integrated imaging and fabricating functions of the SuperNANO make it a pivotal tool for a variety of applications, including nanotrapping, sensing, cutting, welding, drilling, signal enhancement, detection, and nanoscale laser treatment.
Iaith wreiddiolSaesneg
Rhif yr erthygl846
StatwsCyhoeddwyd - 5 Medi 2024

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