Teaching patient safety in remote consulting

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  • Kate King
    Defence Medical Services, Birmingham
  • Rebecca Payne
    University of Oxford
A significant proportion of primary care consultations now happen remotely. Although the vast majority occur safely, a recent study highlighted areas of risk which may be compounded by the limited training many GPs have received in remote consulting. To provide safe remote services, consideration needs to be given to adapting practice workflow to optimise remote care. Patients less suitable for remote consulting, either due to disease, extremes of age, disability or for social reasons should be identified and prioritised for face-to-face encounters. Training supports both the development of individual communication skills for remote care, and effective team working. Practice-based group learning events can be used to share experiences, identify resources, and consider the risks in remote care and how they can be mitigated. The paper presents some fictionalised cases, illustrating where patients came to harm, as a result of a remote consultation, and where harm was averted due to actions taken by practice teams. These can be used to support critical thinking and discussion within practice development meetings and tutorials with trainee GPs and other practice staff. Using the paper as a basis for reflection, teaching and action can facilitate the delivery of safer remote care.


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CyfnodolynEducation for Primary Care
Dyddiad ar-lein cynnar16 Medi 2024
Dynodwyr Gwrthrych Digidol (DOIs)
StatwsE-gyhoeddi cyn argraffu - 16 Medi 2024
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