Corporate Services
Bate, Lauren
- Strategy, Projects and Planning - Senior Commercial Development Officer
Person: Professional
Callow, Nichola
- Vice Chancellor's Office - Pro Vice-Chancellor [Education]
- The Institute for the Psychology of Elite Performance (IPEP)
Person: Professional
Davis, Claire V
- Strategy, Projects and Planning - REF Manager & Senior Planning Officer
Person: Professional
Edwards, Andrew
- Vice Chancellor's Office - Dirprwy Is-ganghellor (Yr Iaith Gymraeg, Ymgysylltiad Dinesig a Phartneriaethau
Person: Professional
Jones, Andrea
- Strategy, Projects and Planning - Senior Business Intelligence Officer
Person: Professional
Jones, Bryn
- Strategy, Projects and Planning - Senior Strategic Innovation & Partnerships Officer
Person: Professional
Mullin, Michelle
- Strategy, Projects and Planning - Research Excellence Framework (Ref) Administrator
Person: Support
Niebrzydowski, Sue
- School of Arts, Culture and Language - Professor in Medieval Literature / Director of Research Postgraduate Studies
- Vice Chancellor's Office - Dean of Postgraduate Research
Person: Academic
Pedersen, Ingrid
- Vice Chancellor's Office - Executive Board Office Manager and Corporate Events Officer
Person: Professional