School of History, Law and Social Sciences

  1. Doctor of Philosophy
  2. Yr Awdurdodaeth Gymreig: Dadansoddiad o Ddatblygiad a Chyfraniad Tribiwnlysoedd Cymreig i Awdurdodaeth Gyfreithiol ar wahân i Gymru

    Pritchard, H. (Author), Jones, D. (Supervisor), Jan 2015

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  3. c.G. Jung's reception of Picasso and abstract art

    Hill, L. (Author), Huskinson, L. (Supervisor), 7 Jul 2020

    Student thesis: Doctor of Philosophy

  4. Professional Doctorates
  5. An investigation into the Christian response to street children with particular reference to scripture union in Zimbabwe

    Katiro, F. (Author), Warrington, K. (Supervisor), Jan 2009

    Student thesis: Professional Doctorates

  6. Methodist ministers in the circuits : urban and rural differences

    Burton, L. (Author), Francis, L. (Supervisor), Jan 2008

    Student thesis: Professional Doctorates

  7. Newfrontiers church planting in the UK: an examination of their distinctves and practices

    Cooper, B. (Author), Kay, W. (Supervisor), Jan 2009

    Student thesis: Professional Doctorates

  8. The Grief Support of Bereaved Family Members in Evangelical Churches in Peninsular Malaysia

    Ng, H. (Author), Dyer, A. (Supervisor), Jan 2012

    Student thesis: Professional Doctorates

  9. The development of leaders within a church network in Austria 'Life church Osterreich'

    Wheeler, G. (Author), Alexander, C. (Supervisor), Jan 2012

    Student thesis: Professional Doctorates