Dr Rhian Hodges
Uwch Darlithydd Cymdeithaseg a Pholisi Cym / Dirp Gyf Add a Dysgu (Cyf Cymraeg)

Contact info
Position: Lecturer in Sociology and Social Policy
Email: r.s.hodges@bangor.ac.uk
Phone Number: 01248 383034
Location: Room 335, Professors Corridor, Main Arts
Contact Info
Position: Lecturer in Sociology and Social Policy
Email: r.s.hodges@bangor.ac.uk
Phone Number: 01248 383034
Location: Room 335, Professors Corridor, Main Arts
Dr Hodges is originally from Bargoed, Cwm Rhymni ac is a past pupil of Ysgol Gymraeg Gilfach Fargoed and Ysgol Gyfun Cwm Rhymni. She graduated with a First Class Honours in Sociology and Social Policy from Bangor University in 2005 before being awarded an ESRC 1+3 Studentship to study an M.A and PhD within the same institution. Dr Hodges completed an M.A Social Research and Social Policy in 2006 and a PhD in Sociology and Social Policy in 2009. Her thesis examined parents' incentives for choosing Welsh-medium education for their children in Cwm Rhymni.
Since 2009, Dr Hodges is a Sociology and Social Policy Lecturer (Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol funded until 2017) and is also an Associate Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Lecturer. Since 2011 she is Director of the M.A Language Policy and Planning and her research interests include key language planning topics such as new speakers of minoritized languages, minority language education, language transmission and language use within the community and the workplace.
Dr Hodges is a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, a WISERD Research Associate, a member of GWERDDON Editorial Board, a member of COST New Speakers Network and a member of the Institute of Welsh Affairs. She has been on several Erasmus exchanges to the Basque Country where she lectures on Language Planning in Wales in Donostia Univeristy.
Teaching and Supervision
SCS1004 Cymdeithaseg a'r Byd Cyfoes
SCS2018 Cymdeithas, Iaith a Phrotest
HAC2002 Addysg yn y Gymru Gyfoes
HAC3002 Addysg yn y Gymru Gyfoes
SCS4008 Cynllunio Ieithyddol
Research Students
Ifor Gruffydd (PhD - awarded in 2018, first supervisor) Rheolaeth Strategol ar hyfforddiant iaith mewn gweithleoedd sector cyhoeddus
Siôn Aled Owen (PhD - awarded in 2018, second supervisor) Factors Influencing Welsh Medium School Pupils’ Social Use of Welsh
Eileen Tilley (PhD, second supervisor) Adult Welsh learners in Gwynedd
Shân Pritchard (PhD, second supervisor) Y Gymraeg yn y byd digidol – Profiadau ac agweddau siaradwyr Cymraeg yng Ngwynedd o ddefnyddio apiau Cymraeg neu ddwyieithog (KESS Scholarship with Cwmni Da)
Natalie Lloyd Jones (PhD, second supervisor) Patrymau Gwylio S4C (KESS Scholarship with S4C)
Postgraduate Project Opportunities
Dr Rhian Hodges welcomes PhD applications in the following fields:
- Language policy and planning
- New speakers of minoritized languages
- Minority language education
- Transmission and language use
Research Interests
Dr Rhian Hodges' research interests include the following fields:
- New speakers of minoritized languages
- Minorty language education
- Language transmission and language use in the community
Dr Rhian Hodges' research:
Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol Strategic Grant/Grant Strategol y Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol (£37,893) (2017-2019): Prys, C a Hodges, Rh. Pecyn Adnoddau Aml-gyfrwng Cymdeithaseg (PAAC) (Multi-Medium Sociology Resources Pack)
ESRC Knowledge Exchange Fellowship (£11,396) October 2016- September 2017: A Toolkit for Promoting the Welsh Language in the Community (partnerhship with Mentrau Iaith Cymru)
Welsh Government Commission: (£69,753.29) Tachwedd 2014: An Evaluation of the Minister's Welsh Language Strategy: A living language a language for living: Welsh Language Use in the Community (Hodges et al 2015)
Welsh Language Commissioners Grant Comisiynydd y Gymraeg (£18,000) 2013: Gwirfoddoli a’r Iaith Gymraeg (Volunteering and the Welsh Language) (Ail ymchwilydd, Prys et al 2013)
Hodges, Rh. (2010) Tua’r Goleuni: Addysg Gymraeg yng Nghwm Rhymni – rhesymau rhieni dros ddewis addysg Gymraeg i’w plant. PhD heb ei gyhoeddi. Bangor: Prifysgol Bangor.
Education / academic qualifications
- 2014 - Other , Posgraduate Certificate in Higher Education - Distinction
- 2010 - PhD , Towards the Light:Welsh-medium education in Cwm Rhymni- parents' incentives for choosing Welsh-medium education for their children
- 2006 - MA , The Welsh Valleys- Language Use Post Education: A Study of Young People in Cwm Rhymni
- 2005 - BA , B.A Sociology and Social Policy
Research outputs (30)
- Published
The Role of Psychological Reactance in Learning Minority Languages and its Implications for Language Policy – A Case of International Migrants Learning Welsh
Research output: Contribution to conference › Paper
- Published
Migration through a language planning lens: A typology of Welsh speakers' migration decisions
Research output: Contribution to journal › Article › peer-review
- Published
Language, Education and COmmunity in a Digital Age: A Welsh Digital Resources Case Study
Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceeding › Chapter › peer-review
Prof. activities and awards (27)
Working with Government
Activity: Participating in or organising an event › Participation in Academic workshop, seminar, course
Paratoi Cais Grant
Activity: Talk or presentation › Invited talk
Taith Iaith i Wlad y Basg
Activity: Other › Types of Public engagement and outreach - Media article or participation
Projects (2)
Ynys Mon Language Research Project
Project: Research
Welsh Language Strategy
Project: Research