EC Joint Research Centre- Synergies with R&I Funds in Wales, BioComposites Centre, Bangor University
Electronic versions
- 190108-horizon2020-biocomposites-en
503 KB, PDF document
- BC-Stairway to Excellence case study, published in 'From Smart Growth to Smarter Europe: Learning from Smart Specialisation Delivery IQ-Net Thematic Paper 43(2), Laura Polverari and Viktoriya Dozhdeva, European Policies Research Centre, Delft, November 2018'
440 KB, PDF document
Impact Summary for the General Public
The BioComposites Centre (established in 1989) undertakes collaborative research to develop sustainable biobased technologies that minimise the impact of materials on the environment. The BioComposites Centre is a key partner in the BEACON project54 which was established with c. £8 million from the ERDF in 2007-13. The BioComposites Centre’s participation in BEACON used ERDF funding to strengthen the Centre’s research and innovation capacity, including infrastructure and equipment in pilot scale processing and increased R&I collaboration between academia and industry. In 2014 the BEACON project won the RegioStars Award in the “Sustainable growth: Green growth and jobs through Bio-economy” category. Improvements in R&I capacities via BEACON have acted as a stepping stone to leverage further funding from a variety of sources comprising Welsh Government, InnovateUK, UK Research Councils, and other EU-funded schemes, including a series of investments from the ERDF-funded SMART Expertise programme56 administered by the Welsh Government.
Category of impact
- Technological