Reducing single use plastics waste in Uganda's agroforestry sector


TitleSeedling wrap project-reducing single use plastics in Uganda
Degree of recognitionRegional
Media name/outletOpen Gate FM- radio programme for farmers in the Mt. Elgon Region of Uganda
Media typeRadio
Duration/Length/Size45 minutes
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Description23.3.23- Mbale (Uganda)
A radio interview with members of the project team took place on a popular radio station for farmers in the Mount Elgon region of Uganda called Open Gate FM (103.2). This involved Micheal Sunday (Mt. Elgon Tree Growing Enterprise), Ephraim Nuwamanya (National Agricultural Research Organisation) and Adam Charlton (Bangor University).
In addition, several tv interviews involving the project team and involving regional and national channels took place at the Mt. Elgon Hotel (30.3.23). The media channels involved were Next
Media Services (NBS) and Uganda Broadcasting Corporation (UBC).
PersonsAdam Charlton