Bookselling Research Network (External organisation)

Electronic versions


This Network, international in scope but based in the UK, brings together booksellers, researchers, and associations to celebrate and explore the histories, practices, and cultures of bookselling, past, present and future. The Network helps facilitate practical training, research projects, events, and a living archive of bookselling-related information; it also works closely with organisations like the Booksellers Association and the Books Council of Wales to support strategic plans and encourage knowledge exchange initiatives. The Network is led by Dr Eben Muse (Bangor University, The Stephen Colclough Centre for the History and Culture of the Book) and Dr Samantha Rayner (UCL, The Centre for Publishing and the Bloomsbury CHAPTER), and supported by the Booksellers Association and the Books Council of Wales.
2020 → …

External organisation

NameBookselling Research Network

External organisation

NameBookselling Research Network


  • Bookselling, Research Network