BU-IIA Funded Project: Bangor University Antimicrobial Resistance Interest Group: Engagement Project


Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is a global challenge to human and animal health requiring an interdisciplinary approach to research. The Aim of the Bangor University AMR Interest Group is to engage Bangor University staff and students to advance interdisciplinary research, within the theme of AMR, and promote the use of this research in policy and practice. The interest group is chaired by Emily Holmes, who holds a five-year Health and Care Research Wales Health Research Fellowship, investigating the impact of rapid diagnostics to reduce antibiotic prescribing in Wales.

Funding awarded through the Bangor University Innovation and Impact Award (Research Wales Innovation Funding). Value = £10,643
4 May 202230 Apr 2023

External organisation (Government)

Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom

External organisation (Government)

Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom