BU-IIA Funded Project: Drug Target in Pancreatic Cancer


There is an urgent requirement to identify specific, precision medicine drug targets that selectively kill PDACs with mutations in BRCA2 and other DNA repair factors, or which sensitise them further to existing treatments. We are therefore applying for funding to develop CRISPR-Cas9 dropout screening at Bangor –a powerful technique for identifying novel precision medicine drug targets in cancer cells. While our initial focus is on PDAC, once in place this methodology can be applied to drive the discovery of drug targets for a wide array of human diseases.

Funding awarded through the Bangor University Innovation and Impact Award (Research Wales Innovation Funding). Value = £49,466
1 Apr 202231 Mar 2023

External organisation (Government)

Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom

External organisation (Government)

Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom