Mid-Autumn Festival

  • Lina Davitt - Organiser
  • Li Yang - Contributor
  • Bixiao Lu - Contributor
  • Dan Xu - Contributor
  • Xianke Zhang - Contributor


The delightful Mid-Autumn Festival has drawn close, enriching attendees with a deep appreciation for Chinese traditions and heritage. Held at Powis Hall, Bangor University, on 29th September, this cultural celebration was a booming success, offering a captivating blend of art, culture, and history. We were thrilled to have our China in Wales Association colleagues join us and present a charming workshop on crafting Chinese lanterns.

The festival's highlights were a testament to the vibrancy of Chinese culture:

Dance Performance: Grace and storytelling merged seamlessly as a dancer transported the audience through the legends and tales of ancient China. Her performances were a testament to the power of movement as a universal language.

Tai Chi Performance: Under the serene guidance of our Tai Chi master, attendees found balance and tranquillity, demonstrating the timeless appeal of this practice in promoting physical well-being and inner harmony.

Calligraphy and Chinese Knot Workshops: Aspiring artists and enthusiasts had the opportunity to delve into Chinese calligraphy, a journey into the beauty of this intricate art form. Meanwhile, with their rich symbolism, Chinese knots came to life in the hands of participants as they created their own unique pieces.

Paper Cutting Workshop: The delicate craft of paper cutting unfolded before participants' eyes, offering them a chance to master this age-old technique that has passed through generations. The intricate designs crafted during the workshop were a testament to creativity and tradition.
29 Sept 2023


TitleMid Autumn Festival
Web address (URL)
LocationPowis Hall, Bangor University
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Degree of recognitionLocal event


TitleMid Autumn Festival
LocationPowis Hall, Bangor University
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Degree of recognitionLocal event


  • calligraphy, chinese bracelets, dance, tai chi