Mindfulness: A developing field


Where have we come from? Where are we now? Where are we going?

Over the last 30 years, the field of mindfulness-based approaches has emerged and found its way into the mainstream. The work is having a strong positive influence on the lives of individuals and organisations. These developments are founded on an incredible upsurge of research and practice based work. The Centre for Mindfulness Research and Practice (CMRP) at Bangor University is coming up to its 20th year and has been a part of this global journey. Each one of us individually is part of the journey. These journeys are continually emergent as we grow and develop, as the work moves through developmental milestones, and as the context within which our work is situated shifts. This talk will encourage us all to take a step back and reflect on this journey and our part in it; it will point to current themes and priorities that CMRP are engaged in responding to; and will reflect on how we each can lay foundations for the future that will support the ongoing emergence of this work.
2 Jun 2020